help low iron but very high ferritin - Thyroid UK

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help low iron but very high ferritin

Chouchou1234 profile image
4 Replies

ferritin is 200

I think I had Covid or Epstein Barr virus agai. Was very sick

Liver enzymes very high

any suggestions ? My heamogoblin dropped from 137 to 113 in a month . Inflammation is very high for me.

very very tired .

any suggestions

ferritin has always been recently at 60 then jumped to 150 and now 200

I’m thinking it’s too much thyroid medication but last results not over medicated ?

t3 was 6.2 (3.1 to 6.8) t4 19 (12 to 22)

thank you xx

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4 Replies
SlowDragon profile image

Your low iron and low MCHC shows you’re anaemic

Are you vegetarian or vegan

What are most recent vitamin D, folate and B12 results

what vitamin supplements are you taking

Are you on gluten free diet

Chouchou1234 profile image
Chouchou1234 in reply to SlowDragon

hi hi xx

Not vegan - but stopped eating red meat for 2 weeks as it was 150 ferritin about a month ago and panicked and got some virus and couldn’t look at red meat . Now craving it again so stsrtrd back

Gluten free normally but have had sneaky gluten past couple weeks which 🙈🙈 doesn’t agree with me

Vitamin d was 132 about a month ago

B12 949

The red blood cells dropped dramatically in a month and read that can be caused by infection.

Extremely bad bones - severe osteoporosis

Alp is high suggesting bone

I think I’m over medication BUT results don’t show ‘over medication’

I was thinking of reducing the t4 - if it’s not converting isn’t it just putting stress on my liver

Before starting t3 - my t4 was 20 (12 to 22) and t3 was 2.1!!

Thank you 🙏

re supplements

Multi vitamin every second day - I was told to stop b12

My total homeocysteine level is 8 .

Omega 3

Vitamin d k2



Endotox liver supplement by invivio

humanbean profile image

I’m thinking it’s too much thyroid medication but last results not over medicated ?

I'm thinking your red (out of range) results are due to having had Covid or some other serious disease. Covid is known to attack the liver.

I think you need to consult a doctor on the subject of "how to improve my liver health". Has your doctor made any comments on all the red results?

I did a search for "liver damage after covid" and found lots of results suggesting it is common, but nothing in the way of self-help to improve your liver health.

How recently did you become very ill? And how ill/well do you feel now? Are you on your way to recovering?

For info on your over the range ALT (alanine aminotransferase) see this link :

For info on your alkaline phosphatase (ALP) see this link :

Raised levels of ALP are usually due to a disorder of either the bone or liver. If other liver function tests such as bilirubin, gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) or alanine aminotransferase (ALT) are also raised, this usually indicates that the ALP is coming from the liver. However if calcium and phosphate measurements are abnormal, this suggests that the ALP might be coming from bone. In some forms of liver disease, such as hepatitis, ALP is usually much less elevated than AST or ALT. However, when the bile ducts are blocked (for example by gallstones, scars from previous gallstones or surgery, or by a tumour), ALP and bilirubin may be increased much more than either AST or ALT.

ALP can also be raised in bone diseases such as Paget’s disease (where bones become enlarged and deformed), osteomalacia, in certain cancers that spread to bone or in vitamin D deficiency.


Given how ill you are, or have been, your kidneys seem to be coping well. Your eGFR is > 90 which is a very good result.

Your sodium level might be a tad on the low side. Adding a smidgen more salt to your diet might help a bit.

Your low creatinine might or might not be something to worry about, I can't tell. (I'm not a doctor.)

From this link :

Low levels of creatinine are not common and are not usually a cause for concern. As creatinine levels are related to the amount of muscle the person has, low levels may be a consequence of decreased muscle mass (such as in the elderly), but may also be occasionally found in advanced liver disease.

Your out of range iron and saturation results, your inflammation markers (CRP - C-Reactive Protein and ESR - Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate) your low haemoglobin, and your high ferritin are evidence of you suffering from Anaemia of Chronic Disease (ACD). You may have iron deficiency as well, I'm not sure.

ACD is something people get as a result of illness and/or inflammation.

Please read these links on ACD :

Read page 8 of this document :

A summary of how to identify anaemia :

NICE Clinical Knowledge Summaries on anaemia:


ferritin has always been recently at 60 then jumped to 150 and now 200

Your ferritin is high because you have been ill and have ACD. It isn't the other way round.

Your above range ferritin is not seriously high. I wouldn't worry about your ferritin. Ferritin is only worryingly high as far as doctors are concerned when it gets to about 1000.


I’m thinking it’s too much thyroid medication but last results not over medicated ?

t3 was 6.2 (3.1 to 6.8) t4 19 (12 to 22)

If you think you might be over-medictated then reduce your dose of thyroid hormones by a small amount. There is no need to discuss it with a doctor because you might struggle to get your dose back if you feel worse with a lower dose. So if you do feel worse with a lower dose just put your dose back where it was.

Chouchou1234 profile image
Chouchou1234 in reply to humanbean

Thnk you for detailed reply and Information.

I was sick about 2 to 3 weeks ago and today is the first day I felt good. Funnily enough I took my t3 closer together and had energy and felt light . Normally I’m dragging myself to stand up.

Regarding liver I had narrowing on bile duct recently on mri but my billirubin is not high .

My gastro has tested everything possible for liver and mystified. but Epstein Barr virus came

Back positive end of January.

Would my supplements be making an impact to raise alt ?

I’m worried the t3 is increasing bone turnover ? It’s not showing hyper on results.

Tomorrow I am seeing rheumatologist .

Has anyone tried Romosozumab?


Thank you agsinxxx

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