Hi, i took my meds as the scan was 8am. I told them everything and they said it was fine. Then I had an allergic reaction - even though ive had one before. They said the dye was different. Still swollen in the face but survived!! 😀
Had a alleegic reaction to contrast: Hi, i took... - Thyroid UK
Had a alleegic reaction to contrast

I’m so sorry to hear this JCMartin. Has the swelling subsided? Did they recommend an anti histamine?
Oh no, sorry to hear that. I had an anaphylactic shock from iron infusion so big hugs, it's awful.What was the substance, did you ask? I'm getting two MRIs done in the next few weeks
No. Different dye to my chest CT they said as it was my heart. I dont think you need dye for an MRI. Hope it all goes well for you.
I had a reaction to CT scan dye and needed something pretty strong to reduce the swelling to air pipes. I then - the next year - had a reaction to an iron infusion. Strange, as a person with no previous allergies.
Hope you are feeling better now.
I had this happen first time they used one on me. To be fair they were on standby for a possible problem as they had asked if I had any known allergies (several actually - I’m known to be atopic) and I had flagged up a possible issue with molluscs. At that point they asked if I was allergic to iodine. At the time I replied I wasn’t aware of that, I could eat fish and crustaceans without any problems, just never felt well after eating molluscs (interestingly my younger son, like me an asthmatic, is the same). So we went ahead with the CT scan and the iodine contrast dye was used. All seemed fine; the scan went OK and I went off to get changed back into normal clothes. It was whilst I was changing I suddenly got an increasing itch on one leg; had a good scratch and it just got worse. When I took the trews I’d had to wear for the scan off I noticed two large, itchy lumps. Called for the nurse, who in turn called for the doctor. Yup - allergic reaction to contrast dye. I think I was told at the time it was a one in a thousand chance. It’s now on flagged on all my notes.
Glad you're feeling better now. I'd had a few contrasts with scans and then suddenly had a very bad reaction! Thankfully I'd taken a 180g antihistamine that morning. The doctor said it would have been worse if I hadn't. He topped that up with another antihistamine tablet and after a while things started to subside. My notes are marked...NO CONTRAST now.
oh that’s scary. Do you know contrast was used so that it can be avoided ? Hope you’re ok now.
Apparently, you should be asked if you have thyroid issues before being administered iodine contrast dyes. May not apply to allergic reaction here but good to know.jhsci.ba/ojs/index.php/jhsc...
I did tell them. But they said it was not a problem.