Hi all, I haven't posted in a few months as I've been waiting for a telephone appointment with a private endo. In the interim I've been taking my Levo only, alternating 125mcg and 112.5mcg and feeling OKish, but not brilliant, low energy etc.. Had total thyroidectomy 2 years ago.
I had my private consultation with the Endo 2 weeks ago and he proposed a 3 months trial of Litho - 20mcg a day - split 10mcg on waking (7am) and 10mcg at 2pm (I have a pill cutter) and reducing my Levo to 100mcg for 6 days and nothing on day 7. I received my scrip and bought the 90 day supply of T3 from Roseway labs 1 week ago. I asked him about titrating to this dose and he said not necessary and difficult to cut down to a smaller dose..
I started on this new regime 6 days ago and was OK for the first couple of days then started to get pains around my left armpit/shoulder blade (I have coronary artery issues) and not feeling very good. As a consequence I left out the Levo for one day - as he recommended. Yesterday I was not feeling good in the morning so halved the 10mcg dose for the 2pm dose. I have also now decided to halve my morning T3 to 5mcg as well.
I'm now thinking that maybe I should try this new smaller dose of Lioth 5mcg am and 5mcg pm for a few weeks and to stick with the 100mcg Levo 6 days a week (I take in the middle of the night) and see how I get on.
Do you think this is a sensible course of action? I'm obviously worried about any effect all this may have on my heart and a small part of me says just to stop the T3 and revert back to Levo only. However, after waiting so long for some progress I feel I ought to give the T3 a good go as I've waited so long to try it. Unfortunately I am not a patient person and want immediate results.
Here are my latest blood test results taken for the Endo to have before my consultation. Taken on the 16th Jan under all the recommended protocols.