Interesting article in the Guardian today,
Just Confirms What We Already Know : Interesting... - Thyroid UK
Just Confirms What We Already Know
The problem with medicine is that it's diagnosi and treatments run along narrow tramlines. If you don't fit their narrow profile range you are not ill. This increasingly seems to be the case in medicine. Doctors need to get back to basics.... the actual patient and stop relying on pathways blood tests results etc and their narrow limiting prescriptive results. It is shocking that babies physical assessment score is based on a system designed for white babies in the 50s!! Has medicine moved on so little? It would appear so......
Not surprisingly there are multiple scandals occurring resulting in years of battles and neglect, many ongoing. I'm seriously not surprised that medicine isn't able to cope with variation of ethnic needs even as basic as ones skin colour. After all they frequently can't even cope with differentiating between women and men, the thinking being if it works on men it will work on women!! What this does is uncover glaring craters in research and medical practise. .
I recall trying to raise with with a NICE guidance panel. And also that treatment algorithms are based on historical trials and research done in white folk often men as women’s hormones were thought to interfere with pure research ha ha
A friend, trained in CPR, when faced with it for real on a female, had no idea where to put his hands!
They recently introduced a female crash test dummy for the first time. She was placed in the passenger seat....
TSH range was initially set by using just 29 men...
And an any kind of mental health diagnosis and you get a triple whammy. It’s disgusting how many people this ‘bias’ aka racism, sexism and disablism affects.
In which circumstances are you thinking of white men being neglected in healthcare terms?
I can imagine neglect occurring in men in thyroid disease because thyroid problems are mainly associated with females.
Or in breast cancer, which also occurs mainly in women.
But I cannot imagine neglect occurring in men in terms of reproductive and sexual health, heart disease, gut health, lung health.