On an Ancestry DNA test in the raw data there is a number 5 on the end of the snp widely referred to as that for DIO2. - My result for that snp - if it's correct is GG so I want to know for sure it's the right one I'm looking at. I've uploaded my result to Gene Genie but the report doesn't show anything for DIO1 or DIO2. Does anybody have any info on these snp’s please?
DIO1 and DIO2 results - snp: On an Ancestry DNA... - Thyroid UK
DIO1 and DIO2 results - snp

Would you care to add the SNP numbers you are talking about?
Thanks @Helvella This is the info I was using but the numbers don’t seem to appear in the raw data from Ancestry. For DIO1 the rs numbers are rs2235544 and rs11206244. A normal result will be a C or G, and the mutation will be T or A
For DIO2 it is rs225014 and normal is T or A and the mutation is C or G
Have a look here:
At the bottom of the page it has info about various specific analysis chips including various Ancestry ones (see attached image). See where that takes you!
This should explain the results
GG means the snp is inherited from both parents/ homozygous
Thanks - it’s the actual identifying snp that is the issue. I search the raw data for the snp but can only find that ‘number’ with an extra ‘5’ on the end.
I'm not sure what you mean...is it the rs numbers that are confusing you?
I'm also not sure that you've read Paul's article that I posted for you above.
I'd suggest that if you take time to read it carefully all will be revealed.
Might the "5" be a reference to notes further down the page of raw data...I'm not sure about that'"5"
I'll need to look back at my Ancestry raw data later.
My Dio results came from Blue Horizon

The official recognised Dio2 test is via Regenerus