Just want to make sure anyone with access to metamizole is aware of these possible issues. It is NOT available in the UK.
‘They thought I had cancer’: painkiller banned in UK linked to Britons’ deaths in Spain
Patients’ group says reactions to metamizole can cause sepsis and organ failure – and British and Irish people are at higher risk
Wanted to clarify that metamizole is NOT the same as Thiamazole, also known as methimazole used in many countries (such as the USA) as an anti-thyroid medicine rather than carbimazole. Carbimazole converts very quickly to methimazole in the body so the side effects and adverse reactions are almost identical.
Carbimazole and methimazole can both cause agranulocytosis but this is a known and recognised adverse reaction. In general, those who need to take anti-thyroid medicines are informed of this possibility.
It is unfortunate that the names are so similar - especially in languages where "th" is not used as it is in English.
This is not intended as a discussion - just an alert. Therefore I shall close the post to replying.