can someone furnish me with some evidence eg studies or scientific paper which shows conclusively that statins cause muscle damage, particularly in thyroid sufferers.
Statins and muscle damage.: can someone furnish... - Thyroid UK
Statins and muscle damage.

Many years ago my muscles were very badly affected almost as soon as I started taking statins, I’m a great Walker and within a few days I was unable to walk to the bus stop across the road from the camp site we were staying on in France whereas in previous years we used to walk right into town with no problems. I had stopped them by the t8me I got back from holiday.
I also felt very depressed and after much digging around found this was also a little known side effect. . I stopped them within a couple of weeks and went back to normal.
Might be worth reading The Great Cholesterol Con by Dr Malcolm Kendrick or A Statin Free Life by Dr Aseem Malhotra
Thankyou for your speedy reply. Our gas man / plumber tells a similar story about being unable to lift a radiator when he was o them . He stopped the statins and can now lift radiators again but his shoulder and hip remind him that there are scars. Iread Malcolm Kendrick regularly . Thankyou for the links.
This search found 86 papers which might be relevant - some are, but some won't be.
If you have an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism), treatment may be delayed until this problem is treated. This is because having an underactive thyroid can lead to an increased cholesterol level, and treating hypothyroidism may cause your cholesterol level to decrease, without the need for statins. Statins are also more likely to cause muscle damage in people with an underactive thyroid.
Thank you for posting this. I have been treated for hypothyroidism for 30+ years and only in the past ten years has it come to light that I'm one of those lucky people who does not metabolise levothyroxine well, hence my ongoing symptoms despite taking a overly high dose.
Over the past couple of years I've been very gradually reducing my dose of levo to make my endocrinologist happy (I also take 10 mgs of liothyronine daily) and the past several times I've had my bloods checked my cholesterol was high and my GP wanted to put me on statins, which I declined. I eventually discussed with my endo that my TSH had been steadily increasing, my T4 dropping and my T3 bumping along the bottom and that I was going to increase my dose of levo, which she agreed with. Now, this past set of bloods not only has TSH come down and T3 gone up but also my cholesterol is back within 'normal' range.
Though, I should add, my GP still wants me to take statins 'just in case'.....
😑Go figure. (I declined again)
When taking any dose of T3 your TSH is likely to drop very low or suppressed
Most important results are always Ft3 followed by Ft4
And optimal vitamin levels
I've been taking T3 for years now but my TSH was still going up relative to my Levo dose going down and my FT3 was at the very bottom of the range.

good for you. I have resisted all my life but now I have had a heart attack I am forced to take it or they wash their hands of me
Thankyou. I seem to have started something here. I remember reading an article in the Guardian probably 15 years ago that statins just don’t work for 20 % of the population,
Well if you’re hypothyroid then obviously they don’t work
Getting Ft3 to good level will reduce cholesterol
my cholesterol is already low but then they said it would lower my tryglicerides, which I pointed out were well within range, then it was that it dissolves blood clots and that my LDL is higher than my Hal and that its up to me if I don’t take them but they won’t take anymore responsibility for me treatment.
thanks for this post Mugs19
I have linked it in a post on cholesterol today. This is very on topic 😊👍
Hi Mugs19
Others have provided the specific information you have requested but I'd like to give you my lived experience.
Years ago had brilliant cholesterol readings. But they declined when my thyroid did (along with liver & kidney function).
However, I consistently refused drs trying to put me on statins. Knew it wasn't the answer and not willing to risk all the side effects.
Now, after less than six months on NDT and no other changes, cholesterol readings have improved.

Thankyou for sharing that information and congratulations for having the guts to refuse to take them.
Don't know if it was guts, Mugs19 just against a regime causing more issues treating symptoms, rather than fixing the cause. 🙂