OK so I got some results back re iron and B12 and would so appreciate some expert understanding from anyone of you. I believe I might have lowish ferritin. It's 39ug but my transferritin saturation is 52%, which is high. How do I increase my iron levels if I need to, with high transferritin saturation levels? I should add that I am mostly vegetarian and take a multivitamin that has quite a low strength level of iron in it.
Active B12 is 61pmol and folate is 18.3 ug is this ok?
The company did not give me ranges just minimum requirements which are as follows...
Haemoglobin: below 120 g/L for females and below 130 g/L for males indicates anaemia
Ferritin: below 15 ug/L suggests iron deficiency
Transferrin Saturation: below 16% suggests iron deficiency
Folate: 3 ug/L or below suggests folate deficiency
Active vitamin B12: below 38 pmol/L suggests vitamin B12 deficiency
Thanks in advance!