Free t3: Can anybody help me understand what my... - Thyroid UK

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Free t3

suzybear profile image
17 Replies

Can anybody help me understand what my free T3 blood results means ? It come back as 5.7

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suzybear profile image
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17 Replies
Jaydee1507 profile image

That number on its own means nothing, we need the labs reference range. Ranges vary from lab to lab so its important to quote the range for the test.

What are you taking for your thyroid?

suzybear profile image
suzybear in reply to Jaydee1507

Hi I am taking levothyroxine 75mg of accord. Was taking 50 accord and ,25 Teva but I'm sure I haven't best since adding Teva. I've been back on just accord last week. Free t3 5.7 pmol . Range 3.50-6.50

Had my tsh done about 1 week before which was 2.58. Range 0.55-4.78

B12 ,was 211 Ng/l range 180-900 Ng/l

Serum ferritin 30 ugl range 15-300 ug/l

Serum folate 11 ug/l

Jaydee1507 profile image
Jaydee1507Administrator in reply to suzybear

Free T3 (fT3) 5.7 pmol/L (3.5 - 6.5) 73.3%

So your FT3 is pretty good although it isn't usually tested alone. To make a good assessment thyroid labs should be done at the same time, so TSH, FT4 & FT3.

Your TSH is too high for someone on replacement hormones. It's time for an increase for you.

Your B12 is terribly low. Are you vegan or vegetarian? If not:

B12 - do you have symptoms of B12 deficiency? The reference range for B12 is very wide and cut off point too low.

If you do then you should discuss this with your doctor for further tests for Pernicious Anaemia.

If not, then start with a methyl B12 sublingual spray or lozenge for a week, then add a good B complex. Once you run out of the separate B12 (and your B12 is at a good level) just continue with the B complex.

This B complex has all the right vitamins at a not unreasonable cost for 90 days supply(also contains folate). Once B12 is good you can stop the stand alone B12 and just continue with the B complex.

Your ferritin is at a level that NICE guidelines suggest is deficient. Show your results to your GP who should prescribe iron tablets. Be sure to take iron 4 hours away from Levo. Also recommend getting a full iron panel done.

No vit D result. Cheap private test available here:

suzybear profile image
suzybear in reply to Jaydee1507

Thank you for your reply. I will ask my gp if I can get tested again but that might not be until my next bloods are due in about 6 weeks. But before that maybe I should suggest the meds to go a bit higher. I was worried that when I went up dose last time I had things like hot flushes . Waking up early and not being able to go back to sleep but maybe that was the brand of levo /Teva.

No I'm not vegatarian or vegan. I eat a lot of chicken. Not so much red meat. I also eat fish. I guess I have a few symptoms as I don't have loads of energy. Was feeling better for a while. Feeling teary some days and anxious.

Very dry eyes I've had a few years but never really known why.

Hair loss recently for few months but that's not so bad now. Again not sure if that was due to thyroid. I get like a tingly shooting pain sometimes up the left side just under my jaw line which on not sure what that is.

It says on my blood results for b12 consider treatment if other evidence of deficiency. Eg neuropathy or macrocytosis ?

Maybe I should ask doctor to check for anemia?

Also I'll ask about my iron .

I had my bloods done a few months ago and cholesterol was slightly elevated it is still the same as last time at 6.7 mmol .

Doctor said last time with b12 and other things being low could be due to my hypothyroid that it can change the balance of everything ? And I wasn't at the right dose of levo but I am now and isn't any change. B12 is slightly worse than last time.

Jaydee1507 profile image
Jaydee1507Administrator in reply to suzybear

Before you start any supplement with B12 I would ensure that its thoroughly checked out with your GP with full blood count and also testing for pernicious anaemia.

You could also post and check about what to discuss with GP on the PA forum here on HealthUnlocked.

If you vitamins are as low as they are then the thyroid hormone you are taking won;t be working well. I'd see if you can get a dose increase as your TSH is too high. I wouldnt say you're on the right dose of Levo yet.

If GP won't offer iron treatment (they should!) then get the full iron panel run and post the results here for comments. Otherwise its down to increasing iron rich foods in your diet which would mean more red meat, chicken livers, pate.

suzybear profile image
suzybear in reply to Jaydee1507

Hi I did have a full blood count also at the time but it said no action requiredNot sure if these are the ones you mean and if you can give your opinion ? Any chance if I take a picture of it I can send to you ? Is testing for anemia an addition to full blood count ?

I'm a bit confused do you mean because my vitamins are low is why my thyroid not working so well? I think my doctor meant if my thyroid is low is why my vitamins etc are not so well ? Something to do with the absorption of vitamins if thyroid not up to scratch ?

Actually I'll try post the full blood count here.

Total white cell count 7.2 10*9/L. 4.00-11.0010*9/L

Haemoglobin estimation 132. G/L. 115.00-165.00 g/L

Platelet count 269. 10*9/L. 150.00-400.0010*9/L

Red blood cell count. 0.42. L/L 0.37-0.47L/L

Haematocrit. 0.42. L/L. 0.37-0.47L/L

Mean corpuscular volume 92. Fl 80.00-100.00fL

Mean corpusc. Haemoglobin 29.1pg


Red blood cell distribut width 12.7 % 11.00-14.80%

Neutrophil count. 3.6. 10*9/L. 1.70-7.5010*9/L

Lymphocyte count 3. 10*9/L


Monocyte count 0.5. 10*9/L. 0.20


Eosinophil count. 0.1. 10*9/L. 0.00-0.4010*9/L

Basophil count 0. 10*9/L. 0.00-0.1010*9/L

Nucleated red blood cell count. 0. 10*9/L.

Jaydee1507 profile image
Jaydee1507Administrator in reply to suzybear

I don't have the experience to properly interpret a full blood count I'm afraid but they do at least all look to be within range.

You should be investigated for pernicious anaemia if your B12 is as low as yours. Its possible that the combination of not eating much red meat + low thyroid hormones has caused your low B12 but it should be checked out anyway. Its the low stomach acid that comes with being hypo that causes poor absorption of vitamins from food.

Can you eat more eggs?

You also need to insist on a dose increase. Find a helpful, open minded GP at your practice who will agree to that.

suzybear profile image
suzybear in reply to Jaydee1507

Ok no worrys I just thought I would put my results on here. I will definitely ask the doctor to check for pernicious anemia and iron . Yes I'll start eating more eggs if it helps.

What would you suggest my thyroid level need to be to be more optimal ?

I'll get on the case with my GP

Jaydee1507 profile image
Jaydee1507Administrator in reply to suzybear

Your TSH should at the least be below 2, better still at or just under 1 where most people feel well so long as all vitamins are OPTIMAL.

suzybear profile image
suzybear in reply to Jaydee1507

Hi I went to gp after and they won't prescribe me anything for iron they just said it's within range. Also with b12 they won't prescribe anything but said they do a test which is for something to do with b12 absorption and that's come back negative. I said could I be anemia and she said no your not anemic. I bought some of the b12 better you spray so started with that. Haven't got anything for iron yet. How do I get a test for iron panel ? Thanks

PurpleNails profile image

Welcome to forum

Free Triiodothyronine (FT3) is the active thyroid hormone (more powerful than FT4)

Lab ranges vary, to interpret accurate, you would need the range.

It’s on the mid / higher side of most ranges.

Always best to interpret function with TSH, FT4 & FT3. incomplete picture otherwise.

What is your diagnosis?

The time of blood test and if you have eaten can affect the results. If you take replacement on morning, that can also after results. Do you remember what time test was taken?

suzybear profile image
suzybear in reply to PurpleNails

Hi the range is between 3.50 to 6.50 pmol. The test was morning just before 9am. I hadn't eaten anything just a drink of water. I had tsh tested maybe a week prior to T3 which was 2.58 mu/l. Range between 0.55-4.78 .

I have been taking 75mg levothyroxine. Brand accord.

Also had a full blood count done testing various things but I haven't got all the numbers for ranges in front of me at the moment.

B12 was 210

Think my ferritin and folate was low range but classed as no action required

suzybear profile image
suzybear in reply to PurpleNails

Oh I also forgot to say I was taking accord when I was on 50mg and I felt bit better but I had Teva brand added at 25mg to make up to 75 that's when I noticed not so much of an improvement. Last week I requested at the doctor's to just prescribe me accord because I've been feeling like my get up and go as gone a bit.

buggles84 profile image

It's probably best to ask how you're feeling first?

suzybear profile image
suzybear in reply to buggles84

Not much energy at the moment

tattybogle profile image

Hi suzybear, welcome ... early a.m, shamelessly plugging this thyroid research petition ~ to ask the govt to give some of the £84Million CMA fine from the price hike of liothyronine to thyroid research .

Please consider signing and SHARING this petition if you haven't already done so .. if you have signed already THANKYOU :)

Direct link to petition ~

"Give more funding for thyroid research and patients after price hike"

suzybear profile image

Hi I'm not sure if anyone seen my last reply to jaydee1507? Recently had intrinsic factor antibody tested and come back as 3.66 I/ml. Range (0.00-20.00) I've been prescribed cyanocominn 50mg vitamin b12.

I'm going to book in with my GP to discuss this but does anyone know what causes to effect intrinsic factor antibody ? Could it be pernicious anemia ?

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