Hi all,
I’ve been MIA from the forum recently. Finding myself not only fatigued by being hypo but in managing my longterm conditions generally. It can be quite the emotional grind so I’ve been engaging less. Apologies for the lack of contribution lately.
I find myself in need of your collective wisdom though for a slightly baffling situation I’ve found myself in which I suspect may be linked to thyroid health. Would very much like to hear if members have any similar experience or have heard of something along these lines! Trigger warning for dental stuff if anyone would rather avoid.
Basically, I need a tooth out but when trying to extract it the anaesthesia failed. Believe it was lidocaine as I’d asked for adrenaline free following slightly raised heart rate while adjusting T3. The dentist thought this to be a “hot tooth” - too inflamed for the pain relief to work properly. So no tooth out and riddled with anxiety I was referred for sedation to try again and given antibiotics (penicillin) to combat the tooth in the interim. Needless to say they’ve messed me up a bit but if they’ve staved off a toothache then needs must!
While waiting for the referral, I’ve had a further filling where the adrenaline free anaesthesia failed in the area where the tooth is. It was numb for the drilling but sensation came back later in the procedure. Dentist concluded this time that I was metabolising the anaesthesia rapidly. I’ve also had another filling on other side of mouth when heart rate settled with adrenaline which went well.
With 2 failed anaesthetics under my belt I’m more anxious than ever. I’ve since asked the team I’ve been referred to what pain relief is used during sedation. Yet to receive complete answers but have a sense it’s just IV sedation and local anaesthetic, not IV pain relief.
I’m now wondering how to proceed as I don’t want to be in a situation where I’m under sedation and can’t advocate for myself but with failing pain relief. Need to get this tooth out but I’m incredibly fearful now!
Does anyone have any experience of anything remotely similar or any advise on how to navigate this? And more thyroid related, if it is an inflammation issue (I’m always inflamed in some way because of my autoimmunity/PCOS etc), is there something I can do about that quickly? Is there a link I’m missing between thyroid conditions and how anaesthesia works in the body?
Thanks in advance!