Dieticians???: I know most of you will have... - Thyroid UK

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Caffeinefreezone profile image

I know most of you will have probably been involved with nhs weight management at some point so I wondered if this is the norm...I've had 3 zoom sessions in the last 18 months with a young guy who advised me to up my protein - which was low. Now at least 60g/day. He also said my calorie intake wasn't adequate and I needed to increase my carbs. I was diagnosed with cfs 5 years ago and more recently, possible hypothyroidism and have started 50mg Levo a month ago.

Bread - I can do a bit but not often. I bloat, get constipation and heartburn. Other carbs I am really careful with because since my ability to exercise has gone I can just imagine it turning to sugar and then more fat that I can't shift.

So he has decided to discharge me and asked me to self refer to SWEDA - an eating disorder charity.??

Oh I also questioned him about 52 not being an optimal vit D level., which is why I'm taking 5000 a day now. I think it should be around 100? He gave me that look.

Who, if anyone fits into their boxes? I feel he has just moved his problem (me) onto someone else.

Does anyone have any advice on carbs? I have always had a healthy pescatarian diet which I did lower a lot in calories initially when I had the massive weight gain - but that had no effect.

Any thoughts gratefully received.

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17 Replies
Jaydee1507 profile image

So he has decided to discharge me and asked me to self refer to SWEDA - an eating disorder charity.??

Pardon me? If this is an NHS dietician they all seem to sing from the same hymn sheet of more carbs are better which was, and is certainly not the case for myself. The dietician I saw had no idea what was best for me and I'm surprised with all the success stories for low carb eating for diabetes that they are still pushing high carb diet.

I had terrible problems with carbs on just Levo. You are probably better off just experimenting yourself as to what you can tolerate and then sticking to that. You certainly don't have an eating disorder, how ridiculous to suggest that.

My breakfast is a protein one of mainly eggs, lunch I do eat some carbs but not too much, and for dinner I don't really have rice, potatoes or pasta but extra vegetables. This kind of diet suits me and my fatigue levels well.

As you go up your Levo dose you may find you tolerate carbs better but I still prefer protein as opposed to carbs for energy. NHS dieticians have no clue about this sadly.

Vitamin D should be 100-150 for optimal levels. Do take K2 with your vit D to help it go towards your bones. Many members like the Better You spray range of D3+K2 for ease of use.

How were your other vitamin levels? What were the results?

Caffeinefreezone profile image
Caffeinefreezone in reply to Jaydee1507

THANKYOU!!!It's hard enough feeling rubbish all the time without "an expert dietician." making you feel crazy!

I did go full keto for about 3 months but even in ketosis I didn't shed the weight.

I don't eat a lot of carbs because I feel full most of the time and I can't 'fit them in' and they make me even more sluggish. Goodness only knows what all the excess is made up of that I'm carrying around with me!

My B12 was at the low end and so upped that too. I might not be absorbing my vit D adequately (I was on 4000iu before. I won't know until I get another test done. I'll get K2 in with it from now on though.

Really useful information thankyou.

Can I ask if you ever get constipation with eggs? I know they are such a good protein pack but I do struggle with getting things moving!

Jaydee1507 profile image
Jaydee1507Administrator in reply to Caffeinefreezone

You are absolutely NOT CRAZY. It's them not you!

I've seen a number of members here struggling with porridge for breakfast and its simply a carbs issue. Once they switch to something more protein based they feel a lot better.

The keto diet didn't make me lose weight either which was pretty frustrating, although it did help energy somewhat.

What B12 supplement are you taking? Is it a methyl one?

Personally I am fine with eggs and they don't cause me constipation. That does seem to be a thing for some people though. Being hypo will cause you motility issues but I found that getting my folate level raised improved that no end.

What was your folate level?

Caffeinefreezone profile image
Caffeinefreezone in reply to Jaydee1507

Don't laugh Jaydee-I didn't know there were different types. .I'm taking High strength B12 from Boots. I obviously haven't a clue what I'm doing!My B12 results were: 426 (145-914)

Folate: 19

Ferritin: 39

Jaydee1507 profile image
Jaydee1507Administrator in reply to Caffeinefreezone

The Boots product is pretty low dose and also just the regular cyanocobalmin type.

What was the range for folate?

In this group we usually recommend a good methyl/active B complex to help keep all the B's in balance. Pick from any one of these. They also contain folate in the active form.

Your ferritin is on the low side. Try and up your iron intake with iron rich fish.

Caffeinefreezone profile image
Caffeinefreezone in reply to Jaydee1507

That's so helpful. Thankyou.

I eat a lot of salmon actually. I just don't seem to absorb all the good nutrients I'm putting in.

There wasn't a range for foliate on the sheet

I'll get some proper Bs As well.

I've also got some Solgar Gentle Iron so I can take that.

Should any of these not be taken at the same time? I don't take anything near my levo and then usually take supplementd with lunch.

Jaydee1507 profile image
Jaydee1507Administrator in reply to Caffeinefreezone

Iron should be taken 4 hours away from anything else so perhaps add that in with dinner?

You could try adding a digestive enzyme and or a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar (with the mother) in a glass of water before yoru main meal.

greygoose profile image

I just don't seem to absorb all the good nutrients I'm putting in.

No, you won't. Because being hypo affects your level of stomach acid. And if your stomach acid is low, you will have difficulty digesting food, and therefore absorbing nutrients.

But, when we talk about 'absorption', that can be on two levels: a) absorption through the gut wall into the blood, b) absorption into the cells from the blood. When we talk about vit K2-MK7 helping with absorption, we don't mean absorbing vit D through the gut wall. The thing is, when you take vit D, it increases absorption of calcium from food. The vit K2-MK7 helps that extra calcium to be absorbed by teeth and bones, so that it dosn't build up in the arteries and soft tissues. It has nothing to do with absorption of vit D.

Should any of these not be taken at the same time?

Iron should be taken at least two hours away from everything except vit C (four hours away from thyroid hormone).

Goodness only knows what all the excess is made up of that I'm carrying around with me!

Water. Hypos retain a lot of water. And no diet is going to get rid of that. Your only hope is to get onto an optimal dose of the correct thyroid hormone.

I would never, ever visit another dietician. Some of the stuff I've heard come out of their mouths made me wince. One told me that she thought being vegetarian meant you didn't eat beef, so suggested I eat ham instead! lol

But, be careful not to reduce your carbs too much. You need a certain amount to help with conversion of T4 to T3. I can't tell you how much because it's different for everyone. But, it's something you need to bear in mind.

Also avoid low-calorie diets, too becauce they can make you more hypo by affecting your conversion. :)

Sneedle profile image
Sneedle in reply to greygoose

That's helpful information about absorption greygoose.

I'm wondering if apple cider vinegar with the mother would help absorption by increasing stomach acid?

I'm trying this out at the moment, only just started.

Taking it primarily to reduce gassy stomach, but if it jncreases absorption of nutrients I'll be delighted!

Maybe something for Caffeinefreezone to consider?

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Sneedle

It should indeed help, yes. :)

Caffeinefreezone profile image
Caffeinefreezone in reply to greygoose

This is all so helpful, thankyou Greygoose & Sneedle. Not helpful actually, invaluable! I started the apple cyder vinegar before breakfast, so will continue with that.

I really can't thankyou enough.

Sneedle profile image
Sneedle in reply to Caffeinefreezone

With the ACV I've noticed a reduction in acidic burps - I'm still burping but no burning which is brilliant, only after 3 days.I'm convinced now that I have low s acid, as if it was excess stomach acid, adding in apple cider vinegar would have been dreadful🫢

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Caffeinefreezone

You're very welcome. :)

Sneedle profile image

I hope it helps you too🙂. I put in a bit of honey when the acidity is a bit much.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Sneedle

Do you drink it through a straw? That is the best thing to do, to protect your teeth.

Sneedle profile image
Sneedle in reply to greygoose

Oh no I didn't think about that - thanks for saying!

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Sneedle

You're welcome. :)

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