Following on from my previous post re TSH levels I took the advice offered and had a full iron panel test done. Can someone help and advise on the results please?
My iron panel results for interpretation please - Thyroid UK
My iron panel results for interpretation please

Optimal iron panel levels according to are:
Serum iron: 55 to 70% of the range, higher end for men - yours is 23.34% so it's on the low side.
Saturation: optimal is 35 to 45%, higher end for men - yours is 22.8% so it's on the low side.
Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC): Low in range indicates lack of capacity for additional iron, High in range indicates body's need for supplemental iron - yours is 27.22% through range so nearer the low end
Ferritin: Low level virtually always indicates need for iron supplementation; High level with low serum iron/low saturation indicates inflammation or infection; High level with high serum iron and low TIBC indicates excess iron; Over range with saturation above 45% suggests hemochromatosis - yours is quite low in range, some experts say the optimal ferritin level for thyroid function is 90-110ug/L
As often happens your results are conflicting. Serum iron and saturation are on the low side suggesting maybe you could do with supplementing a bit of iron, but your TIBC is on the low side suggesting that you don't need to supplement.
Your CRP is nice and low which means no inflammation and that means that your Ferritin is a true level (ie not raised due to inflammation).
Thank you for replying Susie, from you comments I can understand it is conflicting so can you offer any advice on my options? Do I take a small iron supplement or wait and retest in three months time?I do note that my Ferritin levels are slowly dropping, is that significant?
Previous: 49.7 (2 yrs ago), 42.9 (January 2023) and latest 41.7
I can't advise, I'm not medically trained, and iron is complicated.
If these were my results I would probably supplement with some Gentle Iron, which is usually about 20mg elemental iron, but it's essential to regularly (every couple of months) do an iron panel when supplementing to keep an eye on levels.
You can also include iron rich foods in your diet, particularly liver, maximum 200g per week due to it's high Vit A content, also liver pate, black pudding, etc.
Thank you Susie and understand that you can't advice but appreciate your suggestions. The links are useful especially as I've been a vegetarian since the 70's.Do you have any preferred source for gentle iron? I will look to improve my diet which is poor due to issues associated with my Rheumatoid Arthritis and will retest my iron levels in a few months.
Check out Terra Nova Easy Iron Complex, it contains some Vit C which helps with absorption of iron. Remember to take iron 4 hours away from thyroid meds and 2 hours away from other supplements and medication.