Hi, well after 3 years of battling with my thyroid results. My current dillema is...
My T3 is low to mid range, T4, well under the normal range and TSH 0.01. As a result, my endocrinologist will not increase my T3 despite there being scope to do so, because my TSH is almost undetectable.
I then saw a private holistic GP, who said I have 'Central Hypothyroidism' I'm unsure what the difference is between this and an under active thyroid. I thought they were the same.
Anyway, as a result, he mentioned I should ignore my TSH and increase my T3 and T4. I am worried about doing so as my endocrinologist said it is dangerous to have an undetectable TSH.
Is anyone else experiencing this? I would function better if I increase my T3 and T4 but scared to do so.
It has also been suggested I get a scan of my thyroid in case I have a benign tumour, as this can play havoc with my hormones. However, my endo won't agree to this (despite paying for this myself) She wants me off all meds for 6 weeks to find my new base line. I do get where she is coming from. However, coming off meds for 6 weeks would be horrendous, therefore, trying to find an endocrinologist who would refer me for a scan. Just so I can eliminate this being an issue.
All my other hormone levels which could affect my thyroid are within the normal range. Vit B12, ferritin etc
Thanks in advance!
Just not sure what my next move should be..