diet and thyroid: does anyone have any healthy... - Thyroid UK

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diet and thyroid

Mammaelf profile image
30 Replies

does anyone have any healthy recipes that would assist with weight loss for under active thyroid.

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Mammaelf profile image
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30 Replies
SlowDragon profile image

previous post shows you’re currently not on high enough dose levothyroxine

Did you get 25mcg dose increase in levothyroxine

Request GP test for coeliac

BEFORE trialing strictly gluten free diet

Mammaelf profile image
Mammaelf in reply to SlowDragon

refused point blank to increase. Ah yes I’ve had the coeliac test, and I’m ok for gluten. Not sure how I can get the 25mcg increase tbh?

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Mammaelf

Only 5% of Hashimoto’s patients test positive for coeliac but a further 81% of Hashimoto’s patients who try gluten free diet find noticeable or significant improvement or find it’s essential

A strictly gluten free diet helps or is essential due to gluten intolerance (no test available) or due to leaky gut and gluten causing molecular mimicry (see Amy Myers link) 

As your coeliac test is negative you can immediately go on strictly gluten free diet 

Trying gluten free diet for 3-6 months. If no noticeable improvement then reintroduce gluten and see if symptoms get worse

Non Coeliac Gluten sensitivity (NCGS) and autoimmune disease

The predominance of Hashimoto thyroiditis represents an interesting finding, since it has been indirectly confirmed by an Italian study, showing that autoimmune thyroid disease is a risk factor for the evolution towards NCGS in a group of patients with minimal duodenal inflammation. On these bases, an autoimmune stigma in NCGS is strongly supported

In summary, whereas it is not yet clear whether a gluten free diet can prevent autoimmune diseases, it is worth mentioning that HT patients with or without CD benefit from a diet low in gluten as far as the progression and the potential disease complications are concerned

Despite the fact that 5-10% of patients have Celiac disease, in my experience and in the experience of many other physicians, at least 80% + of patients with Hashimoto's who go gluten-free notice a reduction in their symptoms almost immediately.

Similarly few months later consider trying dairy free too. Approx 50-60% find dairy free beneficial

Hashimoto’s and leaky gut often occur together

Mammaelf profile image
Mammaelf in reply to SlowDragon

now this is really interesting! I’ve never considered this route so I will give this a go! Thanks x

Megams profile image
Megams in reply to Mammaelf

~My health dramatically improved when I removed all gluten from diet as recommended by Specialist - I was not coeliac but certainly gluten sensitive along with other food connected to nightshade family - worth trying anything recommended :)

Good luck~

StanleyThyroid profile image
StanleyThyroid in reply to SlowDragon

When I first went gf I lost over a stone within a few weeks without actively being on a diet. My sense is that when the body is under attack it retains energy to protect you. When I had cancer one of the telltale signs was unexplained weight gain.

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Mammaelf

Not sure how I can get the 25mcg increase tbh?

try different GP at practice. Ask for “trial” 25mcg increase in levothyroxine

Failing that

List of thyroid specialists and endocrinologists

Foxylady1066 profile image

Try cutting down on carbohydrates, I’m recently diagnosed type 2 diabetic, so I’ve cut carbs very low and obviously sugar.

It’s the first time I’ve lost weight easily. I take 150 mg of Levothyroxine daily and have always struggled with weight.

I eat well too, just count carbs and no sugar.

ICE187 profile image

Gluten, dairy and sugar free. Add in the low FODMAP diet. This will force ketosis. Fast for a minimum of 12 hours each day or night. 18 hours is best. If your last meal is at 6pm, skip breakfast and eat lunch at noon. Water only to drink.

atlantis44 profile image

I have Hashimotos so followed a Hashimotos cookbook for one month as i grew bigger and bigger. I ate very well so was not hungry. I did it for thyroid health and was not expecting to loose weight but dropped 2 dress sizes in one month. In a world full of additives and ultra processed foods it was not easy. Worth it though because I lost weight and gained loads of energy. You'd have to eat according to your own thyroid issues but i had to make a choice between the food i loved and the food my body needed which was difficult but definitely worth it longterm.

clairel996 profile image
clairel996 in reply to atlantis44

Do you have the name of the cookbook you tried? Always prefer a recommendation :)

atlantis44 profile image
atlantis44 in reply to clairel996

I used The Autoimmune Protocol Made Simple by Sophie Van Triggelen.

clairel996 profile image

I'm trying to shift some weight myself and it is so hard. Iv finally started to notice a difference in the last couple of weeks by upping my movement and trying to get more protein in my diet.

Brightness14 profile image

The only time in my life I put on weight was after my thyroidectomy I was put onto 100mcg of Levo and gained 10 lbs in 6/7 months. I then switched to NDT and my weight went back to normal. I was on much to low a dose that's why the weight goes on.

Back to now seven years later and the NDT is not working and I am back on Levo I have gained 6 lbs in 4 weeks but I am now raising my dose up and the weight will drop down again.

Easy, its all to do with the correct dose, at least that's what I think. I have never been on a diet in my life.

Craftlover profile image
Craftlover in reply to Brightness14

You are very lucky, l wish l could say the same as l battle with my weight constantly despite my thyroid readings being good, stable and my Endo being is happy. 😊

Brightness14 profile image
Brightness14 in reply to Craftlover

What I was trying to say (Not Boasting at all) was if your FT3 was high in the range you may lose the weight without any fancy diets I was just trying to help. The fact is I had never put on weight until after my thyroid was removed and I was put on too low a dose of Levo. No once again and just starting Levo I have put on weight again.

My Partner although never having any symptoms went for an over 70's health test and the GP found his TSH to be over 19. He was then put on Levo he has never had any symptoms. But all his life he was fat as a small boy and later as a man large build but not fat really. He has lost 2.5 stones since the Levo, still no symptoms. I have never told anyone before but I thought it could help you.

YSpencer profile image
YSpencer in reply to Brightness14

It’s good that you are trying to help and I’m sure it may be helpful to some. I have been on Carbimazole when l was over active and results were off the scale, l didn’t lose any weight despite the Endo saying l should have lost approx 2 stone. After RAI treatment l went onto Levo and various doses, l never felt well and my readings were all over the place plus l never lost weight. After 2/3 yrs of trying to get T3 from my GP he finally relented and gave me a private prescription. I got a local pharmacist to order for me first and then bought online via Germany until we came out of the EU. I did not follow my GP’s advice re taking it but followed the advice on this site. I felt so much better despite not taking a high dose of T3. I was lucky and my Endo supports me taking it and l now get the named brand on the NHS. I continue to feel much better but l can’t lose the weight. I am very lucky to get the T3 as l know many people on this site struggle. All l can advise is keep pestering your GP.

All excellent advise on this thread ..I just want to add I've been doing the autoimmune protocol diet since the beginning of April and have seen a huge difference in mood and energy.I am newly diagnosed hashimotos ( March).I also am a huge advocate of sleep and relaxation as a part of weight balance..good quality guilt free sleep and time out to meditate and relax ..I treat it with the same attitude as taking my family/friends don't dare to judge or comment. I have cancelled events, social engagements and prioritised who gets my energy and am learning to do this without guilt.There are lots of diet and AIP resources out on the internet, I was directed to Izabella wentz and find her evidence base a good resource. The battle with GPS over medication is frustrating and disappointing but diet and lifestyle is down to me and I've gone guns blazing in that score it's the only control I have and that in itself helps with anxiety around having hashimotos. 😃

Mammaelf profile image
Mammaelf in reply to

there is a lot to be said for relaxation routine. I need to be more mentally mindful and selfish for me!

in reply to Mammaelf

There is so much information to absorb and you will find the balance that works for you :)

buddy99 profile image

Don't want to burst your bubble, but if your thyroid hormones are not up to par, the best diet is not going to help with weight loss. Even if you don't eat for a month you will lose very little weight and when you start eating again (even very little), you'll gain it all back (and then some). Been there, done that (in desperation). Your only hope is to get your thyroid hormones in shape, as far as I'm concerned.

Having said that, you can improve inflammation and other things that hold your thyroid (and body) down by finding your specific diet (e.g. gluten free, dairy free, whole food plant based etc.). That would then best be started by an elimination diet. But the goal is not to lose weight in the first place but to help your thyroid out.

Brightness14 profile image
Brightness14 in reply to buddy99

I totally agree with you.

Zazbag profile image

The best recipe for me was a dash of T3 😂

buddy99 profile image
buddy99 in reply to Zazbag

The one ingredient that was a game changer for me as well. :)

Mammaelf profile image
Mammaelf in reply to buddy99

how did you manage to obtain T3? Seen three Gps and an endo and they all say NO

buddy99 profile image
buddy99 in reply to Mammaelf

Took me years (and quite a few doctors), but I was finally given the name of a nurse practioner by somebody here on this forum. The NP was willing to experiment and give me T3.

Miffie profile image

It’s always super challenging when thyroid replacement is insufficient. I never had real problems when adequately replaced. Unfortunately over the years care had deteriorated and I had years of being under medicated until I took maters into my own hands. Sadly however after gaining excess weight it has been a battle to shift. I find low carb, no processed meats, plenty of vegetables along with intermittent fasting helped even when under medicated, certainly it kept gain at bay . I only eat between 13:00 and 21:00. It works for me . I drink loads of water and black coffee. Cutting carbs is relatively easy once you have a decent knowledge of food. There is lots of help online. Just google carb and calorie content of different foods and up it pops. The only thing I really miss is fruit juice! Weird I know but nothing else feels or taste as delicious . I sometimes have a banana, orange or other fruit as a treat, Always have berries as the carb content is lower. Currently spoilt for choice in the shops. If we have a special occasion then I try to be sensible but enjoy myself to avoid making others uncomfortable. Whatever you try I wish you luck an£ so hope you get the levo increase you need. Good luck

Yasrash profile image

hi there I know it easy to gain weight I’ve been there , then I started with intermittent fasting. It’s hard at first but then your body gets used to it. I start off with a glass of room temperature water with coriander seeds in it then have 2 eggs with black coffee. For lunch I have salad with any tinned lentils or even red kidney beans, for dinner I if I’m hungry I’ll have grilled fish with steamed veg and if I’m not hungry I’ll have a small bowl of fruits. It’s soo easy to put weight on and is soooo frustrating with an under active thyroid. I hope this helps 😊

The issue with most diets is that they are are based on calories restriction and often based on plants. By their very definition these diets are deficient in the nutrients that the human body needs, including saturated fat for the synthesis of hormones. (key for thyroid suffers) Your body doesn't understand calories it just wants the nutrients it needs. If you are not getting these nutrients your body goes into starvation mode and there is no way you are going to loose weight.

I was very low carb, pretty much carnivore but was still gaining weight. I looked at exactly how much I was eating as I had been looking at my diet through the lens of calorie restriction for the last 8 years. I just wasn't eating enough to provide the nutrients I needed. I then went full carnivore increased my meat intake and almost immediately I started to loose weight. Nothing dramatic but nice and steady a stone in 6 months. My wife who has been hypo for 20 years also found that this was the only approach that enabled her to loose weight for the first time in 5 years.

As a bonus I feel great and at 64 I have more energy than I have ever had, sleep well, putting on muscle mass. I am looking forward to the future.

TorcHouse profile image

I stand with Thyroidconfusion on this. It's not less food that's needed but more protein. Even a teaspoon each of linseed, hemp, pumpkin and chai seeds (soak the chai), with half a walnut on my full-fat milk, gluten-free breakfast cereal stopped the drop in my Vitamin B12 and had me losing a stone (also 4 Brazil nuts thru the day for the selenium to help convert T4 to T3).

I've since made my own sauerkraut (messy and needs time to mature) for my gut microbiome, but making kefir noticably changed my digestive system within a fortnight. It's now what goes on my gluten-free cereal each morning. The fermentation does something to the lactose in the milk (supermarket blue-top cows, but sheep, goat or oat milk can be used).

Trial & error, and dumping anything with an E number in it. Now my supplemented main vitamins & minerals are optimal, I am cutting back on the supplements to see if my less inflamed system can take up the slack. Fingers crossed.

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