Hello, my husband has been on T4/T3 combo for about a year and although he’s probably not completely optimised, he had some good weeks and some bad weeks. Sadly though, he has had some consistently bad weeks lately and currently feels incredibly depressed (I am very worried). He checked his thyroid levels and they’re the lowest they’ve ever been (including pre-meds) despite a stable dose. I assume this may be the cause of how he feels but equally I’m not sure (and confused) what will have caused his levels to almost crash despite having the consistent thyroid meds. Has anyone else experienced this? Or can anyone shed any light? His T4 was under range and his T3 was in the lower quartile.
Is his own body now producing less thyroid hormone? Can something have knocked something else out which has caused his levels to drop? It just seems so odd as he’s been on the same medication for some time!
Thank you for any thoughts!