My endo has suggested I replace very low levels of testosterone with Androfeme, to complement my existing HRT package of Lenzetto and Utrogestan. After learning Androfeme costs £150.00 upward, and that my NHS GP already has female patients supplementing testosterone, I approached him to take on my prescription.
It transpires that Androfeme is a female specific low dose 1% testosterone cream only licensed in Australia. This is because although other authorities recognise the benefit of testosterone to females even with a lack of long term safety data for cardiovascular and breast outcomes, it is the pharmaceutical industry reluctance to finance further clinical studies that are disrupting further licensing at this moment.
My GP has suggested Testogel has a suitable replacement. Having researched Testogel it is much more concentrated and there are various options of dosing it, one option being every three days! Through our years of imbalances, hormones can be fragile 😔and volatile 😳, with less window of tolerance and often little manoeuvre room. Is this inconsistent dosing how all females dose testosterone or have others been given alternative methods such as a weeny bit every day?
TiggerMe and anyone else, what brand are you taking, how much and how often?