I've recently completed a hefty course of Omreprazole (80mg daily, taking my 75mg Levothyroxine at 2am to prevent a clash). It's not been successful in addressing my GORD diagnosis but I am keen to wean myself off Omreprazole as soon as I can. My question: am I right in thinking Gavison is an altogether gentler, and long-term safer, solution to my reflux issues? Many thanks in advance
Omreprazole vs Gaviscon?: I've recently completed... - Thyroid UK
Omreprazole vs Gaviscon?

Just wondering if you've tried using apple cider vinegar (hasd to include the mother) instead of acid reducing meds? We suffer low acid as opposed to high acid.
I see you are gluten free but what else have you tried diet wise to help gastric symptoms? You might find this link useful. monashfodmap.com/ibs-centra...
Thanks, yes I tried cider vinegar in the past but didn't feel great on it. Happy to try again though - should I stop everything else before using it? I queried low stomach acid but couldn't get any of the medics to engage on the subject - a high dose of Omreprazole concerned me in the face of low acid but my endocrinologist said it was needed as a'healing dose'..... I avoid gluten, chocolate, wine (for the most part), citrus, caffeine.
Just stopping omoprazol could end badly. People report what is referred to as acid bounce after just stopping. When I came off omoprazol, I was on a much lower dose than you, I did it very slowly over quite a few weeks.
Murphea Greybeard makes a good point - I was lucky I was only on them for a couple weeks before coming off them.
Yes, I was on the high dose from mid-December until early Feb. Have been winding the doses down since then, just changing now from 20mg down to 10mg and hoping to do without completely within the next 2 weeks. Trouble is that reflux is still an issue, albeit not nearly as bad as previously.
The thing with anything that reduces acid is its really only a sticky plaster thats taking away the heartburn/GORD effects. They also further reduce the amount of vitamins you will be able to absorb so are a pretty bad thing to be taking long term.
As you have mentioned chocolate, citrus and wine they are all high histamine foods so they may be a clue as to whats causing you gut and possibly systemic issues. ACV is also high histamine which could be why you didn;t feel great on it. See low histamine elimination diet and foods in this link. histaminintoleranz.ch/downl...
Medics are generally pretty bad at functional gut issues in my experience. They don't understand/accept low stomach acid as an issue a bit like they don't accept anything to do with T3. As patients we all know they are horribly wrong.
You really need to drill into why you are having the reflux etc in the first place as opposed to using pills that are nothing but sticky plasters.
At the very least you likely need a good probiotic.
Thanks, that's interesting. As I suffer badly with hay fever (and the season has started now), I'm taking daily antihistamines, so maybe they will make a difference. I've also been taken a daily probiotic for the past 8 months too.
I would love to get to the bottom of what triggered my reflux so badly, back in September, but it's very difficult to know where to go for support with this. This forum has been exceptionally helpful since my problems started, so thank you all!
Of the two I'd prefer gaviscon because the other reduces acid. Have you ever been tested for h plyori or gut dysbiosis? They can cause reflux.
Many ppl use dgl and slippery elm to help their reflux. Deglycyrrhizinated licorice is safer to use than licorice root but it still might increase the blood pressure of some people.
B1 helps acid production and might be gentler on your stomach if you're struggling with apple cider vinegar. I've taken 100mg thiamine hcl (B1) in addition to my b complex and it made a big difference. It was too much for my system so I reduced it to 50mg plus my b complex
Hi there Murphea
When I joined the forum and got loads of useful advice I was told people with hypothyroidism frequently suffer with low stomach acid, not high stomach acid. Thing is they present as the same and you need to fact check this for yourself, but it's called hypochlorhydria.
Has this been considered? I had been given PPIs because at the beginning of my thyroid journey I was under medicated (understatement) with levothyroxine and had horrendous heartburn. I couldn't lay down to sleep.
Warned by another member, I stopped the PPIs and started to work towards getting onto a full therapeutic dose of levothyroxine. I also went gluten-free and laid off the dairy. It took about two weeks to feel a major improvement, but there was a noticeable improvement within days.
I did keep a food diary and noticed the combo of high fat, high sugar, high carb (even gluten-free) is my nemesis. No more gluten-free apple crumble for me. Having that record really helped me identify the triggers. I am glad to report a chicken jalfrazi is fine - no effects!
I rarely have any problems these days my combinations of food are pretty well bottomed out now. Generally any re flux has been preceded by a weak moment😬🙃 So I have to take a very occasional Gaviscon and make a promise to self to do better next time.
Hi Again! I just went to have a look at your bio
Anyway - it's good you have listed interests - Just wanted to share a post with you I popped up recently might be useful in the future...
You were on a hefty dose , normally no more than 40mg daily unless for a short acute dose to reduce symptoms fast. The exception being for Zollinger-Ellison syndrome when the dose is anything 20mg to 120mg a day.
I have been taking Omeprazole for over a decade as I have hiatus hernia and Barrett’s oesophagus. It’s the only answer for me and I take 20mg x twice daily. For me Gaviscon and other antacids never gave any relief. Conversely my husband was prescribed Omeprazole and found Gaviscon was the answer not Omeprazole. We clearly have completely different systems but shared some symptoms . I was fortunate my GP sent me for an endoscopy to get to the cause of my problems. I had a repeat last year as recommended for BO.
I gather you are still taking this dose of Omeprazole, have you considered contacting the endo to advise it is having no effect? Normally effects can be felt after two weeks but may take up to four weeks. After that they need to be investigating the cause of the problem in greater depth. Good luck
Here are 2 links which explain about low stomach acid.
Unfortunately most doctors haven't heard of low stomach acid. I tried to look it up on the main NHS website and it's not there.
many thanks, these links are really helpful. I did the ‘burp test’ a while ago and it indicated very low stomach acid. It seems a difficult route to tread as the medics aren’t interested and the recommended remedy seems to be adjusting one’s diet. I’ll try taking B1 (thanks for the suggestion earlier in this stream) and see if that helps.
Here's link to a recent post about using Betaine Hydrochloride with pepsin for low stomach acid. Seems to have been helpful and simple to use.
I was given 4 different types of ppi's to cure my gastritis. They all made the pain worse.I read that usually we have low stomach acid so decided to try an herbal route.
I now take a marshmallow root capsule before bed. If I have a bit of tummy pain or accidentally gluten myself I use more marshmallow root or slippery elm. These line the digestive tract reducing inflammation.
If I feel a bit of heartburn I do take a bit of gaviscon. But to be honest the marshmallow root capsules seem to do the trick.
My specialist for the gastritis (and hiatus hernia) dismissed the herbal route but on my follow up appointment had to admit they were working.
thanks for the suggestion, I’ll try marshmallow root as it feels right to try to address the low acid situation. What kind of specialist did you see for your gastritis? I was referred for a gastroscopy by my GP who hasn’t spoken to me since, other to prescribe the high dose omreprazole.