lansoprazole/ levo: Good evening everyone. Does... - Thyroid UK

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lansoprazole/ levo

Daisydoo2 profile image
40 Replies

Good evening everyone. Does anyone here take lansoprazole and levo? If so, I was just wondering how you managed this for timings

Thank you

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Daisydoo2 profile image
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40 Replies
Imaaan profile image

I did a brief stint on both and took them 12 hours or so apart. Regardless of the timing it still affected my next bloodwork results.

greygoose profile image

Lansoprazole will reduce your stomach acid, which is probabl low anyway - most hypos have low stomach acid - and this will affect your absorption of exogenous thyroid hormones and nutrients from food. Even if you take it well away from your levo. Why have you been prescribed this?

Daisydoo2 profile image
Daisydoo2 in reply to greygoose

doctor thinks the feeling of fullness in my throat, the croaky voice and the need to clear my throat are due to reflux so prescribed said medication. I have bloods next week including full blood count. I am wondering now whether to just leave the lansoprazole for now?

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Daisydoo2

The symptoms of low stomach acid, and high stomach acid are exactly the same. But doctors have been trained to believe that it's always high acid that causes problems. They know nothing about low stomach acid.

Croaky voices and the constant need to clear the throat are both hypo symsptoms, so it could be - and probably is - that you are under-medicated. Does your doctor go by the TSH alone?

Daisydoo2 profile image
Daisydoo2 in reply to greygoose

yes T4. As I said I have bloods next week and am also having Antibodies tested. ( although had this done a few years ago)

Do you think I should stop the lansoprazole? Would this affect any results.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Daisydoo2

It could certainly affect your results by affecting your absorption of levo.

The reason I asked if your doctor doses by the TSH is because people whose doctors do that are very often under-medicated. Taking the FT4 into consideration as well is better. But dosing should really be done by the FT3, the active hormone. It could be that your FT4 is good, but you're not converting it very well, and would therefore still be hypo, and have low stomach acid. I really can't see the point of reducing your stomach acid even further.

Daisydoo2 profile image
Daisydoo2 in reply to greygoose

Thank you for replies. Sorry actually FT4 is taken into consideration with my results.

I think I will stop the lansoprazole. It’s difficult to take with timings that don’t fit in with getting up, breakfast and going to work!

I’ll wait and see what my next test results show.

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Daisydoo2

Book test for early morning, ideally just before 9am

Certainly not later than 9.30am

Last dose levothyroxine 24 hours before test

How much levothyroxine are you currently taking

Do you always get same brand levothyroxine at each prescription

What vitamin supplements are you currently taking

Did you have BOTH TPO and TG antibodies tested previously.

Were either result high (positive) for autoimmune thyroid disease

About 90% of primary hypothyroidism is autoimmune thyroid disease, usually diagnosed by high thyroid antibodies 

Autoimmune thyroid disease with goitre is Hashimoto’s

Autoimmune thyroid disease without goitre is Ord’s thyroiditis. 

Both are autoimmune and generally called Hashimoto’s.

Low vitamin levels are extremely common when hypothyroid, especially with autoimmune thyroid disease (Hashimoto’s or Ord’s thyroiditis)

20% of autoimmune thyroid patients never have high thyroid antibodies and ultrasound scan of thyroid can get diagnosis 

just testing TSH and Ft4 is completely inadequate

Private tests are available as NHS currently rarely tests Ft3 or all relevant vitamins

List of private testing options and money off codes

Medichecks Thyroid plus antibodies and vitamins

Blue Horizon Thyroid Premium Gold includes antibodies, cortisol and vitamins

Just Thyroid includes BOTH TPO and TG antibodies -£49

If you can get GP to test vitamins then cheapest option for just TSH, FT4 and FT3

£32 (via NHS private service ) and 10% off down to £26.10 if go on thyroid uk for code

Monitor My Health also now offer thyroid and vitamin testing, plus cholesterol and HBA1C for £65 

(Doesn’t include thyroid antibodies)

10% off code here

NHS easy postal kit vitamin D test £31 via

Only do private testing early Monday or Tuesday morning. 

Link about thyroid blood tests

Link about Hashimoto’s

Symptoms of hypothyroidism

Come back with new post once you get results

thyreoidea profile image
thyreoidea in reply to Daisydoo2

Not sure about Lansoprazole but Omeprazole lasts 24 hours so taking anytime throughout the day works.

Valeriu profile image
Valeriu in reply to Daisydoo2

I read if you have stomach acid to take Apple Cider vinegar with the mother ( 1 TBSP vinegar with 2 Tbsps of water); I took it for years at dinner time....Good Luck

thyreoidea profile image
thyreoidea in reply to greygoose

Croaky voices and throat issues are also a classic symptom of acid reflux with or without heartburn, do you agree that not everyone with Hypothyroidism has low stomach acid. I was on Omeprazole for years and I had no problems with blood tests or symptoms, not everyone is the same but your advice is valid for some.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to thyreoidea

Given that stomach acid levels are rarely, if ever, tested, it would be impossible to say either way. So, I can't agree or disagree on that one.

But, I did say Lansoprazole will reduce your stomach acid, which is probably low anyway - 'probably', not a definite statement. And I did say most hypos have low stomach acid, I did not say 'all' hypos. And I used the conditional throughout.

What's more, I didn't give any advice, I just stated facts and possibilities.

However, what is certainly true is that some people tolerate PPIs better than others. They made a right mess of my gut function! If they didn't affect you, you were lucky. BUT, you might not have noticed the effect they had on your thyroid hormone levels, because it would probably have been a slow decrease, And, your dose could have been increased to compensate.

Please read posts more carefully before jumping on your high horse. :)

thyreoidea profile image
thyreoidea in reply to greygoose

My dose as reduced in the last few years as I had been taking it before food whereas before took it together.

Sometimes people on this forum overwhelm people with too much all at once causing them further anxiety.

Peoples thyroid journeys can be very different.

I take on board your experience just as I do anyone else posting on here.

No offence meant..

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to thyreoidea

Well, I have to say, it sounded very offensive. Especially as I wasn't giving that much information, anyway - I never do, so don't include me in that catagory! Although I agree with you that it happens far too often. I was just talking about PPIs. Just answering the question, in fact.

I am well aware that people's thyroid journies can be very different - in fact, I'm always saying that we're all different. But, I take it you've never read any of my posts before. And, in any case, I wasn't addressing you, so you don't need to take anything 'on-board', I was replying to the OP.

megiyat profile image
megiyat in reply to greygoose

Hi I just wanted to add my experience of this, I was also on this stomach tablet and when I stopped taking it the next time I had my thyroid tests done, they were better, and the doc asked whether I had been taking anything else, (as I had said before I wanted t3 but was refused) since then a different Endo whom I just by chance got to see on my appointment as you will not always see same guy, he actually asked me, "What do you want to do about your treatment"? when I said that I didnt want the Semiglutide obesity drug) his colleague prescibed me because a, it was too expensive, and b, it had side effects which I wasnt willing to subject myself to. he said ok, but I wont give you T3 but I can suggest NP Thyroid. so I agreed, but have been feeling sick on this, is that anyone elses experience with NP I only took it for 7 days and now taking T3 which I bought in Turkey recently. as for the lanaprazole, mine is omeraprazole but I have had to restart it as my stomach was causing me upset again. but It definitely does interfere with the Thyroid Meds.

SlowDragon profile image

Low stomach acid when hypothyroid invariably misdiagnosed as high stomach acid by GP

Low stomach acid can be a common hypothyroid issue

Thousands of posts on here about low stomach acid

Web links re low stomach acid and reflux and hypothyroidism

 How to test your stomach acid levels

Useful post and recipe book

But never assume you have low stomach acid

BlueKeith profile image

I was on lansoprazole for years until they realized I was hypothyroidism then they determined I had low stomach acid. They took me off lansoprazole and put me on levothyroxine. Low stomach acid feels very much like high stomach acid.

Polly91 profile image
Polly91 in reply to BlueKeith

how did you get diagnosed ? My partner has been on omeprazole for about 5 years and I suspect hypothyroidism but GP thinks not as T4 around 18 and TSH 3.4.

BlueKeith profile image
BlueKeith in reply to Polly91

They did a load of blood tests after I had an endoscopy and realized my stomach didn't have ulcers or no signs of anything at all. They just said my acid was low not high. The blood tests said my tsh was high and put me on 50mcg of levothyroxine. I'm now on 100mcg

Daisydoo2 profile image
Daisydoo2 in reply to Polly91

diagnosed for the lansoprazole? Just went to docs with symptoms of hoarse voice, clearing throat often and feeling of fullness in neck.

Daisydoo2 profile image
Daisydoo2 in reply to BlueKeith

yes thank you

Babymagic37 profile image

I take my Levo at 7.30am and then Lansoprazole at 9am - no problems so far! If the doctor has prescribed it then I would try it 🤷🏻‍♀️

in reply to Babymagic37

I take levo and lansaprazole same times also

thyreoidea profile image

Hi Daisydo, I am on Omeprazole which is another Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) the doctor told me take them 4 hours apart, he has specified this on my prescription also. I hope this helps.

Daisydoo2 profile image
Daisydoo2 in reply to thyreoidea

thank you

shirleyannmarie profile image

I've took them both for years, at least 30leveo and 20 lansoprazol, I take them both before I go to bed, I know your supposed to take Levo in morning but I always forget my pills if I try to take them at another time, so only way to remember them all , I've had no ill effects both tablets doing their jobs

Daisydoo2 profile image
Daisydoo2 in reply to shirleyannmarie

that’s good to know. Thank you

Libuse profile image

I have taken lansoprazol for many years and was recently diagnosed as hypo. Currently on 50 Levothyroxine and 15 lansaprazol. Unaware there was a problem! 😮. Will try doing without lansoprazol. Thanks for the alert!

Miffie profile image

I have been taking Omeprazole another PPI for years now . I am on it twice daily, I take levo through the night/ very early hour. Omeprazole is usually four hours later. No difficulty with them it’s the 11 other prescription items to fit in is dodgy. I love Better You spray for vitamins as it means absorption not a problem. Only iron is difficult as I don’t tolerate oral iron. I invariably don’t worry about much and knowing most things are for life have accepted I can only do my best.

Good luck

Daisydoo2 profile image
Daisydoo2 in reply to Miffie

thanks for your reply.

Bookworm63 profile image

Just wanted to add that people have to take PPI’s for various reasons it does appear to me that you will not need them once you are properly medicated on levo. I take omeprazole about every third day and it’s an OTC brand which is not as strong as prescribed. I’m aware that my problems could be because of under medication I also think that my gut issues are now due to something else. I have no burp syndrome which means I am totally unable to burp, never have been able to. Patients with this syndrome are quite often misdiagnosed with Gerd as it’s something that’s only just been recently recognised as a real condition. There is a medical procedure that can help now and I’m working myself up to having it done, (it involves Botox.) Anyway my point is that there are lots of reasons for having to take a PPI because consistent heartburn is very painful and can cause serious damage to your oesophagus. So for now I’m taking it when needed and I take my Levo first thing in the morning and if taking a PPI that day I’ll have about half an hour before I eat in the evening. Most troublesome heartburn is at night when you lie down so taking it in the evening seems to be the best time in my opinion.

Daisydoo2 profile image
Daisydoo2 in reply to Bookworm63

yes thank you for your detailed reply.

KIMBO1964 profile image

Hi - yes, I do. I tend to take my levo in the morning and the lansoprazole in the evening about 3 hours before bed. It's a pain that you can't take both together, but works put OK for me as I get reflux during the night so it helps me taking both medicines that way round

Bluebear11 profile image

Hi. I take mine at the same time however I do take other tablets that need to be spaced out during tbe day. Would be best option to ask your doctor.

Daisydoo2 profile image
Daisydoo2 in reply to Bluebear11

yes I think I might!

MaggieSylvie profile image

I am not diagnosed, but I have been taking Lansoprazole for a long time. After a few years of daily doses, I stopped taking it and found that once a week was sufficient to stop the acid reflux. I take it even less often now. Hope this helps give you another slant.

Daisydoo2 profile image
Daisydoo2 in reply to MaggieSylvie

yes thank you for that

sutton527 profile image

I take them all at the same time (Cocodamol, Naproxen, Lansoprazole, Levothyroxine and Losartan), I've never been told to take them at different times!

Popeye44 profile image

I sympathize because I started to have the same symptoms, a burning feeling in my throat but no other heartburn type symptoms. I found when it's really bad which is mostly at night, I take a couple of Gaviscon. Wine is a huge instigator of my symptoms. I've only had one attack in the last 6 months since I changed my diet to start eating for my gut microbiome, 30 different plants per week, fish, some chicken and practically no red meat. The last attack was my own fault because I ate too much. I think I have hiatus hernia because quite often the symptoms come after lifting something heavy or bending down on a full stomach. I find that taking about half a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in a small glass of water helps a lot. Intermittent fasting also helps. I only eat between 12 noon and 8pm. Anything outside of those hours is water or black or herbal teas or black coffee. Quite often it's something you're eating or drinking that is the cause so try not to have the same things every day and notice if there's any difference. There's lots of information on the YouTube channel Zoe with Prof Tim Spector and his team at UCHL who are researching the gut microbiome. I'm very against PPIs because there is research showing a long term effect of memory issues.

Daisydoo2 profile image
Daisydoo2 in reply to Popeye44

thank you for your reply

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