Just wondering if anyone else has experienced the above? I did take Teva Levothyroxine some years ago and had to change to another brand and it was all fine after changing. Have been taking Thybon Henning for 2 years (Liothyronine) and, whilst not as bad symptom wise, I now cannot walk more than 3 miles (used to do 10 - 15 mile hikes!) without knees and hip joints being quite painful, especially on the down hill. The soreness lasts days too. I had put it down to age (53), but as I am quite fit and do strength training also, decided it can't be that! I've asked private Endo for another brand of T3 so will try that, but just wondered if it was just me! Thanks all.
Weak Legs (caused by medication fillers?) - Thyroid UK
Weak Legs (caused by medication fillers?)

what were your latest vitamin results?
Thybon is lactose free at least. What ingredient do you suspect in it?
Maybe need a dose adjustment?
I take Thybon Henning and don’t have this issue. Not that that means anything since we are all different. Have you tested for rheumatoid arthritis? Or could it be something as simple as needing to stretch more? Tight hips from desk work will hurt after a long walk.
Your age... Are you on HRT? If not, it's probably time to try it. Loss of oestrogen causes all sorts of joint and muscle problems as everything dries out and shrivels up. Oestrogen can make a world of difference.
LOL, thanks for response, yes am on HRT and have been for years. In fact changing from combined to continuous in a few weeks with a drop from 2mg to 1mg of Oestrogen so that is something to watch out for!

Previous post showed likely under medicated
You need TSH, Ft4 and Ft3 tested
Last dose levothyroxine 24 hours before test
Last 5mcg dose T3 Approx 8-12 hours before test
Plus all four vitamins
Thanks for response SlowDragon. Last results in Dec 22 were as follows, this was with the reduction of 5mcg T3 per day. I have since gone back up to x3 5mcg T3 per day and endo is happy with TSH now it seems after seeing a slight rise in TSH (no idea why?) I have an NHS Endo appointment next week so will see how that goes and I have been in touch with lab and they quoted me £225 for compound T3 with hardly any fillers (for 3 months) which I can't quite afford right now! Therefore am sticking with Thybon Henning for now. Dec 22 results:
Free T3 - 4.8 (3.1 - 6.8)
TSH - 0.02 (0.27 - 4.2)
Free T4 - 14 (11 - 22)
B12 - 479 (197 - 771) - since started taking B12 supp
Vit D - 81 (>51) - since started taking D3 supp (and K2!)
Folate - 8.2 (>3.9) - since started taking supp
I really need updated labs! Hopefully soon. Bone profile also below - have no clue what these figures mean etc. If you have any insight, that would be great.
was this test early morning and last dose levothyroxine 24 hours before test
Last 5mcg T3 Approx 8-12 hours before test
FT4: 14 pmol/l (Range 11 - 22)
Ft4 only 27.27% through range
FT3: 4.8 pmol/l (Range 3.1 - 6.8)
Ft3 only 45.95% through range
You look a little under medicated
Many people on levothyroxine plus small dose T3 find they need both Ft4 and Ft3 at least 50-60% through range
How much levothyroxine are you taking
Suggest you try increasing levothyroxine by 12.5mcg every day. Retest in 6-8 weeks
Increase in levothyroxine should improve Ft3 a little too
Do you always get same brand levothyroxine
Yes taken early morning last dose T4 24 hours and last dose T3 over 12 hours before. I have upped T3 dose since this test so hoping next one will show better results. Currently take x3 5mcg T3, split through the day and 75mcg Levo per day. Always have same brand due to past problems. Thanks SlowDragon Should I still increase Levo as you suggested? Happy to try this to see if symptoms resolve