Dr Sarah Myhill, who's a controversial ex-GP specialising in ME and chronic fatigue, has recently brought out a book on hypothyroidism. Before I shell out, I was wondering if anyone else has read it and what they thought. It is just a rehash of several other books talking about how we're undertreated and what we need to do, or does she have a fresh - preferably simpler - angle. I have to admit to finding her very convinced of her own ideas but there seem to be loads of people who've recovered using her advice.
New Hypothyroid book: Dr Sarah Myhill, who's a... - Thyroid UK
New Hypothyroid book

Dr Sarah Myhill's book ' is not like ' all the others.
However I wasn't at all surprised as I already knew of her work and website and the fact that she recommends the use of glandular supplements and monitoring and treating on physical symptoms such as blood pressure, pulse and body temperature.
I have Graves and post RAI thyroid ablation 2005 and now manage lingering Graves, thyroid eye disease and hypothyroidism.
I become very unwell in around 2014 and then spent over 2 years going around various O/P departments and getting no answers as to my health issues, and then being refused both T3 - Liothyronine and Natural Desiccated Thyroid through the NHS decided to jump ship and self medicate.
I am now much improved looking after myself, running the appropriate blood tests more for my vitamins and mineral to be optimal, and buying my own on full spectrum thyroid hormone replacement.
I’m not a huge fan but have always occasionally dipped in and out of Dr Myhill, so decided to buy the new book.
I would say it’s good to have the info stashed all in one place but if you read her website and articles, I’m not sure the book contains anything new.

hi I’ve read it too. It is 100% focused on her methods of diet and treatment. It doesn’t mention T4 or T3 meds once. I’ve experimented with trying some of her steps (diet, vit C) but am not sure dosing myself with iodine is a good thing so draw the line there. I’ll be honest I found Izabella Wentz 3 books much more practical and useful and informative. 🌱
Technically I believe she's still a GP albeit now suspended for 9mths!
Sarah Myhill now practises as a naturopathic physician, which gives her, as she says, ''clinical freedom to speak her mind'' without another investigation by the GMC - she has suffered 38 of them, and won every one. She relinquished her registration with the GMC after the last GMC hearing. I don't believe she was suspended?
As for the book, it's very readable. Very accessible. Everything comes with an explanation for those of us who have the questions. Lots of tables - which is helpful.
It is, to respond to the OP'S remark and in my opinion, as simple as it could be.
Lots of helpful sources, resources and further reading too.
Being convinced of your own ideas is reassuring in an *experienced* medical practitioner, I would say. Not grounds for criticism, surely. I find it reassuring. (We'd be hard pressed to find a thyroid health/ME- focused physician who wasn't equally convinced.)
The focus in the book is clear in the title, which should resonate with many here (and explains why prescription-only T4 and T3 are not referred to) : The Underactive Thyroid: Do it yourself because your doctor won't.
I agree with your main comments and think that all sensible medically-related views should be considered even if relatively radical. Ive listened to Sara's lectures which are certainly extreme.
But let's be honest, she was suspended (see link below, if BMJ correct) because of her covid 19 views which disagreed with mainstream's! That despite packing out with "additional" misdemeanours listed...and others' views on here imo!
Ah. I hadn't realised that the suspension related to this year. Thank you for the link . Mind you, the less said about mainstream Covid 19 views the better. The less said about Covid 19 the better.
(I live in a country where alternative views were more tolerated than in many others. Thankfully. Where many doctors privately suggested to their autoimmune patients that they not have the vaccine. But not a country where you can get NDT!)
PS I don't find her lectures extreme. Horses for courses!
Working with a medical anthropologist as part of a research project, I've struggled with thyroid issues for decades. Thyroid UK remember the case of endocrinologist Dr Weetman who prescribed tranquilizers to women ... something that continues today. No one has ever gotten to the problem of why? why are so many of us affected, The latest study from Japan, on women who never have thyroid issues perhaps due to their historical diet, is shocking; it implies that the iodine in a mostly fish-based diet over generations is the key.
And this is what Dr Myhill is also suggesting. We all know the power of the pharmaceutical industry but the manufacturing of generics and their 'availability' problems thereby lessening their affect over time, is a huge cause for concern. 'Health for Profit' is the key here, not getting us well but continuing to discuss and debate the issues.
Dr Myhill has challenged the 'suits' of the GMC for decades for their intractability in not only protecting the Dr Weetman's who did much harm, but turning a blind eye to science. Even the teaching of nutrition within medical school is outdated.
Like most here, I've tried variations of levothyroxine, tried T3 but ultimately, the stats that we're all reading is orchestrated and manufactured; they're not valid or accurate. The bottom line is that I trust Dr Myhill's research.
I'm now trying two drops of 15% Lugol's iodine in 1 pint of water.
The findings in Japan are all the more remarkable when you factor in the exposure they've had to nuclear radiation from bombs and accidents.
I do find it alarming that I went to 5 different pharmacists a few weeks ago and not one had any iodine tincture or drops. Indeed many serving on the front desks had no idea what I was requesting. I very much remember it being a staple in pharmacists everywhere years ago. I apply lugols to cuts and a few months ago had a nasty boil which formed a raised keloid after bursting. Applied lugols 12% and it healed so well you can no longer see it. Completely flat.
Yet this is no longer on the shelves, at least not routinely it appears. Consider the NDTs no longer available, as well as many very good supplements that helped thyroid sufferers. We need as many people willing to challenge the prevailing orthodoxy as possible.
I worked with MSF in Africa and watched how using iodine with salt as an inhaler worked simply in episodes of various chest infections. Cuban barefoot doctors did the same; we're on a treadmill of over-orchestrated use of pharmaceuticals which can, ultimately, damage our entire system. Iodine is not a cure-all, it's a preventive in some of these cases as nothing else was available. My doctor now shows how years of dodgy vaccines damaged my system but who knew! we trusted our medics to 'do no harm'. But perhaps they too were sold a story, trusting the corporates. I trust Dr Myhill more than any other doctor.
Thank you, everybody, for your considered and thought-provoking replies: I will buy and read the book. As an interesting aside, I have read articles on Dr Myhill's website for a few months now, after seeing her participate in a Covid debate a couple of years ago. I didn't consider her opinions on Covid extreme at all: she was just offering an alternative approach and didn't say the vaccines were rubbish. She was the most reasonable and open minded person on the panel, and I started taking iodine more seriously after listening to that. I started thinking of her as a bit doctrinaire when I read her views on diet. I don't like exclusionary diets, even if they are best for you, because I have a history of eating disorders and that approach can, does and will trigger another episode, so I turned off her about that and was worried that she would again insist on a Paleo-Keto regime for the thyroid. Please don't try to tell me it's better for you, I know, but I can't: I'll end up eating the whole of the Aldi cake aisle before I've finished your message.
Regarding iodine, I've taken it twice for my thyroid and found it incredible, miraculous even. However, my badly treated thyroid issues have given me dangerously fast AFib, and within a week, that two drops of 15% Lugol's iodine in water caused my heart rate to increase alarmingly. I've cut out iodine again but will reintroduce it when I've cut back on other things that also might have triggered the FAF. Now that I've read your replies, I now think I should also cut back on my T3 before taking iodine.
Another note re iodine, I lives in Dublin when the Irish govt issued the entire population with iodine tablets to be held in reserve in case Sellafield did a Chernobyl. So that stuff really works. And Myhill sells it on her website...
Thanks again.