This morning I bought a pack of mushrooms, and as it was a sunny day, I put them outside to sunbathe. No - I’m not going crazy! Did anyone else listen to Tim Spector’s recent radio interview ( part of the Zoe Health Study) about research which shows mushrooms are like humans and can generate their own Vitamin D from the sun? I found it fascinating and certainly one way of introducing natural Vit D into my diet. So, sunbathing mushrooms it is then!
Vitamin D: This morning I bought a pack of... - Thyroid UK
Vitamin D

Well I never! And I love mushrooms, I shall place them right near the kitchen window in future!
It may be that direct sunlight light is needed from being outside - just like we can’t get a suntan through glass windows. 😍
Oh I see. Not sure I can trust the nosey squirrels in my garden not to throw them everywhere but no harm in taking mushrooms out for some air while I'm also outside🙂
I would never expect mushrooms to increase vitamin d with sunlight as they prefer dark damp places to grow did they measure the vit d in a set weight ie measure 50 grams of mushrooms before being in the sun or 50 grams of mushrooms after being in the sun if they if they weighed them after being in the sun then I would expect them to gain more of what they measured due to the Loss of water from being in the sun but if they measured the mushrooms before being in the sun then split every mushroom in half then put one half in the sun and kept the other half in the dark then measured the amount of vitamin D, if they compared both against each other, unless the total vit d from the ones from in the sun was higher even though there would be less weight they should contain more vitamin D, it is easy to get the numbers that you want when testing one against another but you should make sure you are making the tests fair.
Mushroom & Vit D interesting reading. ......
A Review of Mushrooms as a Potential Source of Dietary Vitamin D ..
Yes, I did and it was an incredible discovery.
I too have started leaving my mushrooms in the sun 😀. I love all Zoe research and listening to their guests.
Hi Pollypet,
I didn't hear that but very interesting though.
But I've noticed that some prepackaged supermarket mushrooms do have enhanced vitamin D marked on their wrapping (can't remember the wording they used or which supermarket?) Not sure if they're more expensive than 'regular' mushrooms?
I'm guessing the growers possibly grow them under a UVB lamp similar to what people use when they keep reptiles? (so they get their vitamin D3 essential for their animals' health)
But I've not explored how they actually do it.
I remember seeing this, can't be doing with shrooms myself but it showed them just very quickly zapping them under a UV light
Some fungi are sold with vitamin D claims - and I think they have already been exposed to UV. I do not know if further exposure forms more vitamin D.
The form of vitamin D varies - D2, D3 or some claim D4. (I have not gone down that rabbit hole!) Often a mixture.
If you'd like to spend the rest of the day or week reading, you could follow this link!
Hi seems like a good idea but as someone who suffers with candida which is a yeast/fungal problem and mushrooms are fungal - be careful you are not just allowing the mushrooms to produce more nasties.
I didn't hear that which is a bit remiss of me ad I am doing the ZOE Nutrition Programme at the moment. My mushroo.s will be sitting outside next time it's sunny!
Apparently, fresh bread left in the sun also acquires vitamin D . Is that true?
Might be true. But I suspect simply not much point for most of us! The amount doesn't appear to be enough so we need other sources. And, if we end up taking it as a supplement anyway, we might as well increase that dose a bit!
Plus, in northern parts, where there is little solar UV much of the year, it would have to be by UV lamp - not sun.
Interesting, though.
Yeast is used in breadmaking. Yeast is a fungi so this would likely be the reason for vit D increasing in sunlight in the same way as mushrooms.
I went to a talk by James Wong (ethnobotanist) some years ago about food. He also said this, but I seem to remember he said take mushrooms out of the fridge for 20 mins before using to increase the vitamin D content.
I make mushroom meatballs, mushroom pulled pork sandwiches and mushroom burgers pretty often always knew they had vitamin d but I never heard about putting them in the sun before cooking… hmm
This is a fascinating topic. Thanks for posting and I will read up more on fungi sun tans.
Great post Pollypet, as a vegan (expect you know we can't have products, like cornflakes, containing D3 which is so often the supplemented vitamin because it's from sheep) this is really good news. Did the programme mention which vitamin D was produced?
Not all D3 is from sheep. Some, at least, comes from lichen.
The paper is more complicated than you might think as D2, D3 and D4 are all potentially made by UV exposure of fungi. You really need to check each species of fungi, for a start.
Yes! I have heard this, and thanks for reminding me!
Hi everyone. I've never commented before but I've learnt a lot from reading the daily posts. Thank you all. I watched a TV program series where they went round the factories showing how things were done, and one week it was mushroom packaging for supermarkets. The mushrooms are picked, sorted, measured into their trays, and then go onto a closed conveyor belt which has overhead UV lights to give them the vitamin D before the trays are sealed. Didn't tell you how much Vit D unfortunately, but I found it interesting.