I cannot tolerate Levothyroxine and wondered what other options are available to me. I have not taken any medications for nearly five years now. I also have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. I am confused what symptoms are connected with Hypothyroidism and what can be attributed to other conditions. Thank you
Levothyroxine for Underactive thyroid - Thyroid UK
Levothyroxine for Underactive thyroid

Welcome to the group.
Are you able to tell us which brands you have tried and if they contain lactose? Have you tried liquid Levo? Each brand has different fillers.
Have you had key vitamins checked lately - ferritin, folate, B12 & D3?
What symptoms do you get from taking Levo?
Yes, they all contain lactose which I know I am allergic to. I react to many medications due to lactose, colourings and fillers. I have never heard to liquid Levo. No, I have not had key vitamins checked recently but I will request a test. Thank you for the advice. I had given up trying to get help after many years so I am ready to continue the struggle to get someone to listen and to help. Thank you
There are 2 tablets that are lactose free. Teva brand which you will either love or hate, very marmite or Aristo which is only available in 100mcgs so you would need to cut that with a pill cutter or take it only certain days to average out the dose.
Liquid Levothyroxine is in short supply at the moment. It's also very expensive but always lactose free. If you really can;t take the tablets then you need to push your GP to prescribe this but it might be a struggle to find some.
When hypo we get low stomach acid so we don't absorb our vitamins well. Low vitamin levels cause symptoms and also inttolerance of thyroid hormone. Get GP to do bloods for ferritin, folate, B12 & D3. Come back here and post results for people to comment.