Hi, following my post a few weeks ago, I have more test results and a follow-up appt on Friday with the lead GP.
As mentioned, I've been offered anti-depressants more times than I can remember over the last 20 months since multi-nodular goitre was identified. I've gone on HRT to rule peri-menopause out. I'm under haemotology and having regular iron infusions. I've got a repeat ultrasound late February to remeasure the goitre.
I got excited because I got a TSH result in December outside normal nhs range. Then the GP called it 'borderline' and I was so upset. Feeling so fed-up with all my symptoms, some nights I get 5-6h sleep.
I have asked for a 4 point cortisol saliva test, the message from the surgery was it is not known to be available on nhs but discuss with GP on Friday. So that's on my list.
Any tips for what else I discuss or ask for on Friday please?
I'm also not getting on well with the Thorpe B complex vits (palpitations, skin heat/rash) so a recommendation for a less full-on formulation would be great please.
I am an unpaid carer to my 3x autistic children and do not have a huge amount of time on my own health and wellbeing. I'm even wondering if I have carers burnout rather than thyroid issues?!
Many thanks for your help and advice.