Iron 31.0 (5.8-34.5)TIBC 51.3 (45-81)
UIBC 20.6 (24.2-70.1)
Transferring saturation 60.6 (20-50)
Ferritin 203 (13-150)
Crp 4.15 (0-5)
Can I ask your advice please? As advised on here a few months ago I rechecked my iron levels in December, hoping to have some reason for continuing ectopic heartbeats. The results are about the same as 18 months ago, I was checked then for haemachromatosis by gp and told nothing wrong. That's great but I really would like to know why ferritin is still raised, I know it's inflammation but where and how, if at all, can I rectify it. I did have to repeat the test by medicheck as they initially only got iron result. I did give the new results to gp receptionist, asking if they could be noted, not just scanned into my notes but as usual all seems to have fell on deaf ears as nothing on my nhs results online. Cant find anything on Dr Google either.
Any suggestions anyone or just ignore it?