Hi i am on 100mcg levo and 25 mcg T3 and feel there is room for improvement ...not due bloods since self medicating the T3...do i increase levo and T3 or just T3?...im trusting how i feel regarding dosing ...
Levo and T3 combo: Hi i am on 100mcg levo and 2... - Thyroid UK
Levo and T3 combo

You can’t guess
Over medication can feel exactly like being under medicated
Incredibly easy to over shoot and miss your sweet spot
At very least do TSH, Ft4 and Ft3 via Monitor My Health
If not tested vitamin levels in 6 months, test thyroid and vitamin levels via Medichecks or Blue horizon
Last dose levothyroxine 24 hours before test
Day before test split T3 into 3 doses spread through the day and last 1/3rd of dose approx 8-12 hours before test
Do you always get same brand levothyroxine
I've been researching and I believe that it said its more on how you feel sometimes..its no good the doctor saying oh everything looks fine when you still have 101 symptoms...doctors don't ask how my vitamins are doing either...so I'm guessing it's not yet important to them either..but hey I just want to try things out to see how I feel..if I feel overmedicated well its common sense to reduce...hence the same gor undermedicated..so I guess its just a case of a tweet here and there 😊
Post from 6 months ago showed ferritin deficient and others needing improvements
Nether levothyroxine or T3 will work with such low vitamin levels
Are you now on strictly gluten free diet
Have you tried dairy free too
Do you have Lipodema?
Hi not dairy free or gluton free and yes i think i have lipo but never diagnosed..my new GP has aknowledged i have Hashi but says the medication is the same regardless... my last test ferretin was better than it had been but still low ..ive probably said one here before i was originally taking 3 grains of Thyroid s and was doing fine ...i would like to take equivilant to that but dont understand numbers unfortunatly.
First step is to get FULL thyroid and vitamin testing done 2-3 months after any dose change or brand change in levothyroxine or T3 or significant diet change
I have Lipodema……virtually vanished since cutting all dairy. This was on advice of lipodema specialist
Been absolutely strictly gluten free since 2016.
Weight falling off, especially off legs …..astonished
More detail on my profile