Hi, I have been having ongoing symptoms for the last year of a very sore throat, thinning hair, weight gain and indigestion. Could not get a GP appointment until last month. Had some bloods done first, then saw the GP who said that it was all the symptoms of menopause! He said everything was normal and the only thing that came back above range was a Serum thyroid peroxide antibody concentration 57.3 ku/L (0.0-34).Would not print-out blood test results, said I have to expect things to go wrong now that I am 52 years old. Now in the process of swapping to a different practice. Have done some reading on here and there is lot of information to learn. I joined the site back in August, because I suspected given my family history of hypothyroidism, it was highly plausible this could be the cause of my symptoms. Sorry to waffle-on, hopefully I will have more information next week. I will answer any replies tomorrow, but now off to work for the nightshift. Good night, all and thank you.Kindest regardsTracy.
First posting, Do I have subclinical ? - Thyroid UK
First posting, Do I have subclinical ?

You are legally entitled to your blood test results! Good for you changing GP, let’s hope the next one is more forthcoming!!
Getting an initial diagnosis was challenging for me too, I was told sub clinical until the antibodies appeared twice on subsequent tests and they had to concede it was auto immune.
I tend to test privately now, via Medichecks for the full thyroid with vitamins £86 and via Monitor my Health for the thyroid only test £26 both give discounts with thyroid uk code.
I’ve had to change/adapt a lot around diet and expectations of my ability to do things.
Symptoms very similar to my experience, I also had double periods, aches, night sweats.
Hope you had a good shift! 🦋💚🦋
Thankyou for replying, The new practice has already phoned late this afternoon and booked an appointment to be seen in 4 weeks time. The receptionist did say that they were very busy and was sorry for the delay and that a print-out of blood results could be collected Monday. Its not fair how thyroid patients are treated. I have read some really sad stories. I had a little look about blood tests and will problably go down that route. So much too learn.
Had a busy shift last night, now getting ready for tonights.
Have a great weekend and thanks again.
Hi JUNEb20, welcome to the forum.
Never ask a doctor for print-outs of your results. They would rather you didn't know so that you can't ask awkward questions! Ask at reception. If the get difficult, remind them that the law says you are entitled to a copy - a printed copy, not something hastily scrawled on a bit of paper, nor verbal results.
This bogus 'subclinical' business is a doctor's way of avoiding treating you. He probably didn't do the right tests, anyway - it's a miracle he did the antibodies! But, as they were high if means that you have Autoimmune Thyroiditis and sooner or later your thyroid blood tests are going to show that you are hypo.
Thankyou for replying. That is exactly how it felt that he was trying to avoid treating me. The Doctor said that the anti bodies test is a total waste of money and time. The new practice has been in touch and I have appointment in 4 weeks time to see a Doctor and I can collect a blood result print-out on Monday.
Thankyou for explaining what the antibody test result means.
Have a great weekend.
That doctor is totally ignorant if he thinks it's unimportant to know if you have Autoimmune Thyroiditis. He obviously doesn't know how the disease behaves. And, I bet that if your FT4/3 suddenly shot up sky-high, he would be in a fine old panic thinking you'd 'gone hyper'! Or been abusing your 'meds'. Sigh. They just don't have a clue.
Its quite scary that he and others are letting their patients suffer and become really ill. There is quite alot of things that I did not know yet, only started to read about the basic stuff of FT4/3 etc. The old practice did not prescribe anything apart from come back in 1 years time and has some blood tests.

As others have said you are legally entitled to copies of your test results
Request new practice set you up with online access to your medical records including blood test results
Have you had vitamin D, folate, B12 and full iron panel test including ferritin tested……If not these need testing
Plus coeliac blood test as you have tested positive for autoimmune thyroid disease aka Hashimoto’s
JUNEb20 , but I’m sure everyone would agree still ask for your printouts. If you start asking awkward questions doctors can and do deny access to parts of your records. Whether the original record remains unedited is questionable. I pushed for an answer to the question from patient access. I asked could a record be edited by a surgery rather than just adding a qualifying note if something needed rectifying. It seemed to be an uncomfortable question but it was reluctantly answered. There is the possibility that this can happen. I have no doubt whatsoever it will be abused - always get your printouts and keep your own meticulous records.
I haven’t been on patient access for a while - might bob on to see what mine are saying these days and compare with the screenshots I took as a precaution 😂🤣😂
Thankyou for replying. That is one of the first things that I learnt on here about been legally entitled to my test results and I have written a list of what I need to ask the Doctor. I have requested the new practice to be set-up online as well. I do not know what they tested for, apart from the one that I was told about. The new practice said that I can collect the print-out blood results on Monday, if I cannot access them online. Thankyou for your kind advice.
Have a great weekend.
Juneb20 you should be able to get your results from the NHS App. I have signed up and it gives me access to most of my historic GP visits, blood test results and priscriptions.
Be aware that it is actually the NHS England App - not available in the other three nations.
And, though it should be available to all adults in England, there are bound still to be some who cannot access the information.
Thankyou for replying. I have tried this but they were not avialiable. Not sure why ? Now have a new doctor and an appointment booked. The receptionist was lovely and said that I can collect paper test results on Monday. Hopefully will start to get the right treatment etc.Thankyou again and have a great weekend.
I too had all the symptoms you mentioned for a considerable time before I became so unwell I took early retirement. I also have an irritating cough and get quite breathless, GP did chest X-ray but when it came back clear offered no further investigation.
I am a registered nurse and I didn’t realise the complexities of thyroid disease. I was fobbed off by a GP at my practice, ( never see the same one) so I did some investigating and looked up the NICE guidelines and quoted them to the doctor over the phone. My thyroxine has been increased from the original dose of 50mcg in two increments and is now 100mcg. I feel a bit better, still losing a lot of hair, get tired really easily. Memory is shocking, tend to feel lightheaded at times and off balance.
I do hope you get better treatment, good luck.

Hi Jac5Pop14
I too was fobbed off, but in reality owing to complete ignorance. They have a huge remit and are flying by the seats of their pants. I have my journey described in my bio and I’ve posted (among other things) one of my written reports that I submitted to GPs and latest bloods. It all resides in my profile (click on my face).
Might be if interest to you - I tried to write it to be informative not just narrative 😊👍
Thankyou for replying. It seems nearly everybody has a similar story, I must say that I had not idea that the treatment for Thyroid conditions was so dire. I will look at your postings tomorrow they sound very interesting. Its great that you and many people on here are trying to help and educate people like me, who had no clue about this horrible condition. Massive thanks to you and everyone on here for taking the time to help.Kindest regards Tracy.

Thankyou for replying . Wow, that is really shocking. I am so glad that you are getting the right help now. It was my Aunt who is also a nurse, who was insisting that I see another Doctor because she thought it was certainly related to the Thyroid. I am trying to educated myself but not alot of the information is sinking in at the moment ! Thankyou for your kind words and hope you start to feel more like your old self soon and good luck to you too.