which is best,Tiromel or Cytomed,?
Hi,I'm about to order T3,do I want Cytomed or ... - Thyroid UK
Hi,I'm about to order T3,do I want Cytomed or Tiromel?

Did you mean Cytomel? Or Cynomel? I'm not aware of a liothyronine (T3) product called Cytomed.
And, even within that, which make of Cytomel or Cynomel? (There are at least two manufacturers who use each of those brand names.)
Not meaning to be picky for its own sake - but it is so very easy to misinterpret what you are saying/asking. And if we do, we might feed you unhelpful and incorrect information.
helvella - Thyroid Hormone Medicines
I have created, and try to maintain, a document containing details of all thyroid hormone medicines in the UK and, in less detail, many others around the world.
From Dropbox:
From Google Drive:
Cytomel is a generic of Liothyronine this is the T3 I take daily.
Cytomel (from Pfizer in the USA) is usually regarded as the branded product!
But the same brand name is legitimately used by Ace for their Cytomel product in Netherlands. (Though it is a different formulation.)
And all too often it is used as a non-specific term for all make of liothyronine, whoever made them, whatever their formulation. This happens across the legitimate pharmaceutical industry. And it appears to be the standard name used across non-legitimate internet suppliers.
In the UK, most prescribing uses the British Approved Name or the International Nonproprietary Name (usually now the same as each other). Hence a prescription would be written for something like;
Liothyronine sodium tablets 20mcg (Morningside Pharma)
28 tablets
One tablet daily
Cytomel is not considered brand it’s considered generic where Im at. I just watch a Video you posted 3 years ago from Paul Mason on Iron “wow” answers a lot of questions I had.
Do you have a link? I can't remember what it was!
Was this it:
Video : Interpreting blood test results by Dr Paul Mason
Actually posted by humanbean Maybe why I don't remember?
Cytomel is the commonly associated brand name for the synthetic thyroid hormone Liothyronine Sodium otherwise known as Tiromel.
I have used both Cynomel from Mexico and Tiromel from Turkey.
Some people find Tiromel a little weaker than Cynomel but it suits me ...and is cheaper!
Both are brand names for Lio... as is Cytomel.
Cytomel is not known as Tiromel....different manufacturers
For accurate info see hevella's document which he has linked linked above.
The decision is yours!
Good luck!

If you are talking about Grossman Cynomel (Mexican) then members are reporting it is unavailable at the moment and no certainty as to when it will become available again.
There is a brand called Cytomed which is produced by Deus Medical based in Kolkata, India I believe.
As far as which is best, as with Levothyroxine certain brands suit certain people and not everyone gets on with the same brand. It is a case of finding the right brand for you.
Tiromel is possibly the easiest to obtain.
Jellybean, There is no 'best' liothyronine, just as there is no 'best' levothyroxine. It's a case of trial and error to find which is best for you. If this is your first trial of T3, go for whichever is cheapest and easiest for you to source.
Could you kindly PM me which make you use please. I have no thyroid and struggling to get levels right. Im on Cynomel from Mexico but price has gone ftom 38 to 99 dollars!
Thank you
Just started T3 slow release 5mcg around 2-3 weeks ago. I can't say I feel better. How long did it take you to feel better?
Slow release T3 is such a different approach to standard release that it is very difficult to make any comparisons. Probably all slow release products actually deliver less active ingredient in total. As slow release T3 is often compounded to order, there may be significant variations between two outwardly similar products.
Do you think slow release isn't as good an idea as standard? New to the whole concept. Maybe just a case of needing more and seeing how it goes?
The problem is that we have so little information. There has been insufficient serious research. Most of what I have seen is individual patient experiences. Which, while perfectly valid as far as they go, don't really help that much.
We need serious research - testing thyroid hormones repeatedly (hourly?) and over at least several days. And comparing against multiple fast release dosing regimes. And using several different formulations.
I am not against slow release, it simply needs more understanding to make any decisions.
When I first got interested in thyroid issues, I jumped at the idea of slow release T3 being obvious. And have since become very sceptical with what we have available - both products and understanding.
It is shocking. I hate talking to a GP about it. I had mine tell me on the phone that there is a perfectly good medication for thyroid issues and i shouldn't be looking elsewhere. Arghh. If it's perfectly good then why do thyroid patients still feel half their normal self and become so susceptible to other diseases.
You can name the brand you are taking but not the source if you are getting it without prescription. Others may like to know what brand suits you and mentioning it on the forum will avoid you having lots of pm’s.
It's a compound made in a specialist pharmacy. No brand as such
Hi dayoff - thanks for your reply. I was actually replying to NoThyroidMandy. If you look at the top line in a reply, you’ll see a little arrow pointing to the member you are replying to (sorry, bad grammar there). It’s easy to get confused when it’s a long thread but you’ll get used to it 😀 Another confusing thing - when someone replies to the original poster, there is no arrow or name 😱

Will you please be more specific?
The brand name Cynomel used by both Sanofi in France and Grossman (now part of Bausch Health) in Mexico.
I assume you mean Grossman Cynomel?
(We have seen shortages of Sanofi Cynomel so clarity is helpful even if it seems obvious as you type.)
That's great to hear Mandy. Are you just T3 or Levi aswell? Sorry to hear you've had problems so young. I was 25 when I became autoimmune. I feel like 20 years of my life has been half lived so I wish I had known more like you . Nobody had the internet back then and I gave up on trying to get help from GP's! Just started searching up info recently as i've been so much worse since turning 40. Maybe in another 20 years thyroid patients will be able to access whatever they need. Here's hoping.

I had already noted that Cytomed had been asked about and posted a questioning reply.
One of the reasons I was trying to be 100% clear is that Cytomed (at least, the product I have found of that name) is Anastrozole - a completely different medicine.
We also get numerous posts/replies here where members have noticed a phrase such as "Cynomel is not available." and not read through the whole thread to get the context. Hence much better always to include the manufacturer/brand name and reduce the likelihood of mistakes.
Have you seen this one:
Cytomed 25 Liothyronine Sodium 25mcg
"DEUS MEDICAL, based in Kolkata, is one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in India"
although the "become a reseller" sounds a bit iffy to me!
India is utter confusion (alongside Uttar Pradesh )
They appear to be heavily into steroids, etc.
Wouldn't trust them an inch. And, as I said elsewhere, one product called Cytomed is Astrozole (not T3) - from a different Indian company.
You sound so like my son who is 24,he's felt suicidal for the last year & we saw a great endocrinologist soon after who promised him T3, & then unfortunately saw a different doctor at the next appointment who refused it.My son has hashimotos & I'm so hoping T3 will help him feel better so he can get on with his life.
hi there, could you also please message me re the brand you use. Thank you 😊