I added T3 to my treatment about a year ago and after some fiddling with the ratios have been on T4 50mcg and T3 20cmg (split 10mcg on waking, 5mcg approx 11am and 5mcg approx 3pm) for 18 weeks.
Most days I am very good, able to work, exercise, look after my children, keep on top of the house. I often feel full of energy, I've taken up new hobbies, pole dance and climbing, my libido is back and I have a fella 15 years my junior. All amazing and I am thankful everyday to have relatively good health again!
Some days though I still struggle with weakness, lack of energy, irritability, brain fog. Because I'm mostly good I think the dose is probably about right, but I want to feel on top form ALL the time!
Is this greedy?
Am I being unrealistic and are some days with symptoms to be expected?
Things I think might be affecting me
Monthly cycle
Poor sleep (not necessarily the night before, could have been a few nights prior)
My eating habits the day before, I might have eaten dinner early with the children (5pm) or maybe was a bit low on carbs as gluten free, or had a rare coffee, or ate too much sugar to get me through the working day!
Having had a busy or active day or days before.
The timings of my splits, can often feel worse in the morning, because of the larger T3 dose in the morning or longer gap since last T3.
There always seems to be a few things that could have been the culprit so it's so hard to know. For example today I crashed out at midday and wasn't able to take the kids out as planned. Yesterday I did an exercise class, had a few hours at the park, I did factor in some rest time but then was out taking the kids to their activities in the evening. Food wise I had an early and a bit rubbish tea just oatcakes and cheese and salad bits oh and I think I'm ovulating right now so there's the hormone factor too. I was very tired yesterday from sleep deprivation the night before, (not a hypo tiredness) so maybe it's a delayed reaction to this.
If anyone has any insights I'd love to hear them.