Just found out you can’t get T3 on the U.K. anymore which is a bit of a shocker. Wasn’t aware of this. How does everyone do it? I have a private endo who is happy to prescribe it but how do you get it now? It’s so sad that medication that can be of such help is unavailable!
T3 in U.K. : Just found out you can’t get T3 on... - Thyroid UK
T3 in U.K.

Where did you hear that you can't get T3 in the UK any more? It is available on prescription although not always easy to find a doctor willing to prescribe. You have to jump through hoops to get it on NHS prescription, and it has to be initiated by an endo, it might be easier with a private endo.
Your endo can write you a private prescription and if the brand Thybon Henning is stated this is the cheapest one, three of the pharmacies on ThyroidUK's list have been charging £50-£60 for 100 tablets but the prescription must stipulate that brand and multiples of 100 tablets.
My surgery has been trying to get TH for the past week from the pharmacies on the list but one says it’s never stocked it, one says it’s hardly ever stocked it and the other one they were waiting to get to speak to them.That list needs to be updated with more accurate information I’m afraid. It seems there is a big shortage of Liothyronine at the moment.
If you think the list needs updating then contact ThyroidUK, we Admins can't do anything about the articles on ThyroidUK's website, we just moderate the forum:
Star13, 'It seems there is a big shortage of Liothyronine at the moment'
Your comment is a bit confusing. Are you trying to obtain Liothyronine with an NHS prescription, or with a private prescription? And which brands of Liothyronine are you being told there's a shortage of?
Yes! It’s taken a long hard fight, in fact years to get my GP to prescribe it and the CCG to agree the funding and now there is no TH in stock. Also from reading posts on here it seems other makes are also in short supply. Is this because of the Ukraine situation, plus Brexit or an uplift in demand causing shortages?
Thybon Henning is available on private prescription as a named brand. With an NHS prescription you have to accept what is on offer unless you have a specific need for a certain brand due to adverse reaction to another brand, etc. An NHS prescription would normally be filled with a UK brand, which are
Sigma Pharma
You can see brands of T3 on Helvella's document linked to in his post below, starting at page 54 on the Dropbox version.
As for shortage of Liothyronine, I don't know about other brands but certainly there is no shortage of Advanz Pharma/Mercury Pharma as you can see from Helvella's post less than an hour ago:
I have TH because I’m lactose free and because the consultant wants me on it. The prescription is made out to it only. Therefore I have to be prescribed it.
In that case Chemist4U is one of the 3 pharmacies that we know have dispensed Thybon Henning. The other 2 are Smartway and Roseway who only accept private prescriptions but Chemist4U is stated as dispensing both NHS and private prescriptions, have they been asked about TH?

The UK products available are listed in my medicines document. There are more now than ever before - and some are in three dosages (5, 10 and 20 micrograms) not just 20 micrograms as used to be the case.
helvella - Thyroid Hormone Medicines
I have created, and try to maintain, a document containing details of all thyroid hormone medicines in the UK and, in less detail, many others around the world.
From Dropbox:
From Google Drive:
But if you are trying to get a specific non-UK make such as Thybon Henning, then I cannot tell you which pharmacies can supply. The Thyroid UK information is all I know.
Whoever told you that you can't get T3 in UK any more was wrong. It's a licensed drug on the NHS drug tariff, and all national guidance says it can be prescribed if a patient has a need for it. Much of the problem has been cost. It was price hiked 6,000% and a packet rose to about £258. The company had a monopoly and was found guilty by CMA of abusing its dominant position, and fined £100 million. Because of the extortionate price, almost all CCGs/Health Boards put a blanket ban on it.
But now it's down to £63 and still falling, and several pieces of national guidance have been issued saying we should have it if we need it. However, it's still a fight to get it in many places as over half of CCGs in England are not complying with the NHSE guidance.
Hello, thanks for this which is really helpful. Do you know where I can find the guidance? My GP says it's a special prescription and can only come from an NHS Endo. Is that correct?
I wouldn't call it a 'special prescription'. Yes an NHS endo has to initiate a trial of T3 of at least 3 months, then it can go to GP prescribing. BUT it depends what policy your CCG has on T3. Whereabouts are you?
The main NHSE RMOC guidance is here:
The NICE guideline refers to the RMOC guidance so they do support it. NICE did try to bury the link to it though, so drs and CCGs often don't spot it. You have to be sure they know it is there!
Roma 5 and 20 microgram capsules at £55!
Indeed! Just waiting for it to get on to the NHSBSA drug tariff.The new tariff is due out on 28th June I think
I'm still awaiting a response from the Department of Health as to why they have not put it on.
Will chase it up!