I'm wondering if anybody has tried glutathione and if it impacted their thyroid levels. It raised my FT3 from 3.3 to 4.8 and I'm actually started to decrease my Armour dosage.
Glutathione's impact on Thyroid levels? - Thyroid UK
Glutathione's impact on Thyroid levels?

One healer just stated if you can only take one supplement it should be glutathione, the master antioxidant. But on the other hand it is very difficult to absorb and it's impractical to have injections although nebulizing is an option. Liposomal can also be useful for some people. Due to the expense many people take NAC which is a precursor and may offer more benefit in the long term. If you think it has had an effect on T3 I would stay with it. Did you use a Reduced form which can be used WITH NAC and possibly improve blood levels?
I'm currently on 2 and 1/2 grains of Armour. I pretty much monitor everything I eat/drink/etc. and this is the only thing that I added/changed to my daily regime. It seemed to only take about 1 month for my FT3 to increase as much as it did so I know that this is what caused it. RT3 actually went down and FT4 is good also. Obviously, my body is absorbing it...This is what I took:amazon.com/CCL-Supplements-...
I've started decreasing my Armour. Currently down to 2 grains. Allowing my body two weeks per decreasing dosage. It'll be interesting to see how low/how much of a decrease continually taking glutathione will allow me to go.
This looks really good and I like all the other components although the Rosa is new to me.We have to remember that thyroid hormone is not a cure so we have to treat what caused the Hashimoto to begin with. The glutathione should help all the cells involved.
You can still get NAC through iHerb.
Dr. Kan explains what glutathione does. shop.askdrkan.com/products/...
I've listened to a lot of experts but another thing Dr. Kan presents and it may be why many of us do not heal no matter what we try. We all may have a form of anemia and without good hematocrit and hemoglobin and perfusion you cannot get well, this is foundational. So is oxygen. We know doctors may look at this backward by using blood pressure medication on everyone and lowering circulation we need. This is actually the first step toward healing if you are low in either.
I think a lot of Hypo's are battling hormone deficiencies, cell toxicity, and many other different type maladies (anemia/etc.) just as I was. They may also be on "synthetics" (drugs) and not eating/drinking/etc. as well as they should be. All of this will play a part in whether or not their bodies are able to take homeopathic remedies (glutathione/etc.) and be as sensitive to them as my body is. I'm not on any synthetics and I've been chasing "optimal" readings on my labs for over a decade now. I am optimal on just about everything. I run the same labs every 12 weeks and know exactly where I am at on all of them. (I test about 15 different hormones). I eat "clean" and drink "clean". I even filter my shower water. I basically eat/drink the same 'stuff' every day (all organic or as organic as I can get) so my body is very sensitive to anything that I put in it and it will tell me quickly "if" it is good or bad. I noticed right off the bat that the glutathione was working as my energy levels and my sleep both improved quickly. This has been a long battle for me but I've documented everything and all my efforts are now starting to pay off.
Well, you've earned it! You seem to have access to more testing which is a real advantage but I commend your skill in figuring out how to implement the supplements and/or detoxing. It may be a little dangerous to eat the same stuff everyday if you are being literal. Diversity nourishes the microbiome and supplies more microbes. I'm glad you are doing so well.
Hi Heloise, thanks for that! I've been on the glutathione for some time but just started some NAC, so will be interesting to see if it helps my low FT3. But you remind me about perfusion, which wasn't a term I knew until I bought a pulse oximeter and found mine was really not very good. I still suspect all may not be well with the B12 and I know it isn't with the iron. Working on that now blood sugar seems far better and the salt is helping.......So found some more of Dr Kan's notes to remind me to keep at it, and in the right order! All the best x
Hi J, Maybe taking both together will make a difference. Did you look at the link the poster gave for his glutathione? They think it did and that you should add NAC.I'm very impressed with Dr. Kan and it makes sense that if you cannot get a good blood supply to every part, what good are all additional nutrients you supplement with. Forefront also said your pulse should be 80 so you can achieve the same thing. Did you catch that soaking your feet in hot water may also help? I wonder if you can get this replay Webinar. It really is enlightening and you realize all the trial and error is really not a good idea. A big waste. Low or high blood sugar is disastrous which everyone agrees.