So even though I’m apparently ‘a complicated case’, Hashimoto and Graves. Labs have refused to test t3 in the monitoring process. To cap it all my bloody endo says its not important anyway! I am frustrated and upset beyond belief, not only at the lab, but at the realisation that my endo is a knob! I have really bad TED and feel at the end of my tether, i look life a freak. Looks like i shall need to do my own tests every 3/4 weeks, until i get to a stable point. Has anyone found a reasonably priced option ( needs to be venus) please. Another expense i could do without and shouldn’t be having to pay for !
Need the cheapest option for venus blood test - Thyroid UK
Need the cheapest option for venus blood test

List of private testing options
Medichecks or Blue horizon offer private blood draw option - see their websites for list of options
Monitor My Health Is cheapest for just TSH, Ft4 and Ft3 at £26
But would need to organise own blood draw
Some Superdrug stores offer blood draw
Important to test vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12 once year minimum
What vitamin supplements are you currently taking
Hi Slowdragon, i take all the vits as advised here and the actual brands as recommended here.. I also take selenium. My vits levels were really good when last tested (May 2021),. All top end of ranges. ferritin has been elevated for a long time, but not excessively. I’ve never taken any iron supps. My gp did a full bone profile last month and that was excellent ( surprisingly). I will look into Superdrug and monitor my health. Thanks for replying.

Hopefully someone will be along soon to help you with venous draw options.
Is Finger prick sample totally out the question? I surprised myself and managed it, lots of preparation.
Might help if you put your geographical area.
Depending on the company you use some have designated centres of nurses that visit your home? (Don’t know about cost)
Some GP surgeries & hospitals will do a private draw often for a fee so that might be an option?
There isn’t really added benefit to testing too frequently. It takes a new dose 6 - 8 weeks to settle, trying to adjust carbimazole doses to a fluctuating level is adding cost and inconvenience to your life and may not be for the better.
Sorry you have an “Endoknob”
Hi PurpleNails, that’s interesting re gp surgeries. I’ll definitely look into that. I’m in North Staffordshire. Home of Gladstone museum and Middleport Pottery if you watch the great pottery throwdown. Thanks for replying and your last paragraph made my smile 😁
I've never had any luck with finger prick tests either despite following all the advice here. I now do DIY venous blood draws, tie a belt round my arm, swab the place phlebotomists use, stick lancet in and there's plenty of blood. I'm lucky I don't have issues getting blood out, if you have deep veins, or are squeamish then maybe not for you.
It's handy to have extra hands to hold sample bottle and get a plaster ready but if you're organised it's doable solo. I'm not advocating this method BTW but just saying it's a legitimate alternative and a lot cheaper than paying for a venous draw.