How much selenium should I take?
I'm a poor converter, hoping this may be of some help. 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
How much selenium should I take?
I'm a poor converter, hoping this may be of some help. 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
Without testing, 100-200mcg, no more. Choose either selenium l-selenomethionine or a yeast bound selenium, avoid selenite and selenate forms.
Have you tried brazilian nuts?
Brazil nuts only contain selenium if they have been grown in selenium rich soil, and the pack needs to state this and, because the amount of selenium in soil varies depending upon region then preferably the pack should also the selenium content.
Geegee777 You may be interested in the following that members have kindly informed me of:
Apparently Sainsburys SO organic brazil nuts contain 50mcg selenium per 30g serving of nuts
and their Fairtrade ones have 75mcg selenium per 30g serving
One member has said that M&S Natural Brazil Nuts say "harvested by hand in the Amazon forest and naturally high in selenium".
Also, check out Aldi's "The Foodie Market" Brazil nuts, the packaging is said to show selenium content as 79mcg per 30g serving.
Another one is 'My Garden of Eden' Brazil nuts from Home Bargains.. They say "High in Selenium and high in vitamin E" on the front of the packet and the Nutritional Information says "one serving (25g) gives 63ug of Selenium".
You could make up your daily allowance of selenium from any of these nuts.
Exactly. I always prefer, if possible, to get selenium from fotos itself esther than supplements. I also buy fortified eggs (selenium + Vit E). The only thing I'm supplementing right now is vit D and Iron (due to Extremely low ferritin).
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