I am 54 years old, seem to going through menopause which is quite late and also suffer with fibromyalgia! As my health hasn’t been told since Christmas my GP has been doing regular blood tests and twice my TSH has been low although my T3 and T4 are normal. I had a phone consultation with my GP on Thursday as my TSH had dropped again from 0.29 to 0.08 which I’m presuming is quite low. I’ve been having symptoms of hyperthyroidism for a while, fast heart rate, skin rashes, palpitations, anxiety and unable to relax so I feel my general health is low. The doctor has referred me to an endocrinologist as she’s concerned I’m having symptoms of hyperthyroidism and perhaps should start medication but has encouraged me to go privately as there is a long hospital waiting list so I’ve managed to get a consultation privately next week with an endocrinologist! Although there is a strong family history of hyperthyroidism this is the first time I’m experiencing symptoms! I was wondering if anyone can give me advice on those results, and can menopause affect the thyroid, just getting myself worked up to what might be causing the low TSH results! Thank you 🙏