Done the blue horizon blood test yesterday.Used the three finger thingumabob things.Took just over 25 minutes to fill the small plastic beaker to the 600 mark.The trouble I had was getting the blood to flow.Done exactly as shown and read on the instruction leaflet even down to warming the hands in warm water.Had to gently squeeze with a thumb while using the small beaker to manipulate the small puncture.Middle finger feels as if it’s been chewed by a starving hyena! Anyone have any similar problem? Not with the hyena mind,but,if you have,that,would be even more interesting to hear of!?
Just a general inquisitive chat on blood samples - Thyroid UK
Just a general inquisitive chat on blood samples

Exactly my experience as well. It will be interesting to see if you get a full set of results back as both of mine were incomplete due to hemolysis.

So members find them difficult, some find them impossible, some of us have no problem. I use hot water, as hot as my hand can bear so that I have to dip and swish, rather than leave my hand to soak. If my hand goes red and my arm/hand is tingling from whirling it around then it's usually fine. Takes me about 3 minutes at the most to fill the tube. If the blood is flowing really well then 1 minute is enough.
Thanks for replying ladies!Well Valdee88 to be truthful I was thinking that about that time and result.Will pop off and look up hemolysis! Can only hope it comes back ok now.SeasideSusie hope your well! I was struggled and it just wasn’t flowing at all
I have had two completely different experiences, one where I bled all over the place so it was nice and easy and one where I didn’t shower first and couldn’t manage to even half fill the tube and had to admit defeat! I am awaiting my replacement kit in that one, so hopefully I’ll do a better job on Monday... !
Lotika thank you for replying!Geez oh shower first.Is that helpful? I showered but about an hour and a half beforehand.Maybe I should have deodorised more.Hmmm interesting! Maybe I should have asked for a replacement kit.Can only wait and find out now
According to the destructions which came with mine, a shower first is recommended, then windmilling arms about and then hand in a bowl of hot water... luckily the neighbours couldn’t see as I felt like a right twit! All this was successful the first time, but having bled so profusely, I was utterly over-confident the second time and was feeling too lazy to shower. I shall treat it as a punishment for being skanky, perhaps?!
Hot shower just before....and/or 15 mins strenuous exercise eg excerise bike/rowing machine before test ...can help
I spent ages and ages getting the blood out. Becoming increasingly desperate I massaged and squeezed three of my fingers just like you’re told not to do! I rang Medichecks to tell them I hadn’t got up to the line and they said to send it in anyway. I was amazed when I got all my results. I’ll definitely stay under that shower for longer next time!
Hi jacobite33,
It's also important to make sure you're well hydrated.
I try to drink more water a few days before I intend to do the test and keep doing so each day and also drink a glass the morning before you take the test; that should really help the blood to flow.
My problems are that I struggle with the psychological aspect of stabbing yourself with a lancet! But I mentioned that on another post that I replied to a few months back. It's got to the point now where I've got three blood test kits sitting looming at me on my shelf waiting to be used!
So I think once I (hopefully!☺) get these done, I think I'll have to find someone to do the blood draw for me instead of having to go through 'lancet trauma' each time!
No hyenas thankfully!!☺
Hope you get full results back.
Take care.
Thanks nightflite......Don’t recall reading that on mine though.Shower it is next time if I have to repeat it.Can totally take in with what Lotika is saying with feeling like a twit.I will dawn the medallion and do my Toni Manero John Travolta style impersonation if I have to blinds shut! Got me laughing at skanky!

I’ve noticed that in my recent finger draw test, the blue lancets have needles that are shorter. Glad I kept some unused blue lancets from a previous draw, as had no problem with these. Confusing as they look the same!

Yes they are only single use. Sometimes you may only use one of the 3 sent, so it’s worth keeping these as the next time you get a test kit the lancets may not be great and you can use the spares. Worth knowing that you can also ask for additional lancets free of charge if you also need more.
I totally sympathise. I had the same experience this week & unfortunately my sample couldn’t be used. It was the first time I’d done one of these. Here’s what Blue Horizon have just advised me - it might help others who are new to self testing...
“Sometimes, slow drawing of the sample into the tube, or a delay in processing, can result in damage of the red blood cells (haemolysis).
When you take the sample, we would recommend that you are well hydrated, that your hands are nice and warm and that your heart rate is slightly elevated.
Standing up to take the sample may also help. We would recommend that you use the middle three fingers either to the side at the top of each finger or the top of the finger pad.
A milking process of the finger is better than squeezing, as this will encourage the blood flow.”