Hi everyone. I just wanted to post an update on how I've got on with taking T4/T3 combo. Finally got the T3 from Germany on 2nd Jan after postal delays over Christmas and started 5mcg T3 3 times daily with 75mcg T4 on 3rd Jan. Wow! is the most apt word to describe how I feel. Its like a miracle. From day 1 I have had much more energy, feel more alert and can think clearly. Muscle pain has continually reduced and is all but gone. I didn't realize how low my mood was until this week because I feel like I've gone from seeing the world in various tones of grey to seeing everything in colour. I feel like my cup's half full rather than half empty and I just feel so much more upbeat. I really hope this continues.
I'm really lucky that I was able to get my private script to the German pharmacy before the end of Dec, so I've got a supply to keep me going for a good while. Don't know whats gonna happen about getting any more but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
Its been so many years of feeling ill that I had despaired of ever feeling well again. So I just want to say to people who despair of ever feeling better, just keep on trying different things and listening to the great advice provided by the kind people on this forum. Thanks to everyone who has replied to my posts as it's because of you that my health has improved so much.