This post is an update on post:
Whereby i had 2 NHS ferritin tests and 2 medichecks ferritin tests with consistently inconsistent results.
and these people especially wanted the update:
and humanbean i mentioned it to you in a post too
Medichecks have responded today:
Many thanks for your enquiry about the ferritin results that you have received from ourselves and the NHS. Reviewing the NHS results these have a different reference range with a higher upper limit. This suggests to me that the NHS laboratory is using a different analyser platform to our laboratory. Variation in measurements between laboratories is a normal phenomenon and can be seen in the results of the external quality assurance schemes that all laboratories take part in. This involves all the laboratories performing the same test on identical samples with a known concentration of the substance being measured. The results from the participating labs are compared, as are the results from the different analyser platforms that the labs use. Analysers from different manufacturers do tend to return consistently different results when they are compared.
Our laboratory uses the Roche / Cobas analyser platform which is one of the most widely used and reliable platforms worldwide. Looking at your results the NHS results consistently return a higher result than the Medichecks results, which makes me suspect that we are seeing a combination of inter-laboratory variation, and the variation between analyser platforms that is outlined above. The reference ranges also suggest this, the higher limit on the NHS reference range suggests that the average result for women of your age (ferritin reference ranges for women vary according to whether they still have periods or not) is higher when measured on their platform. If you reply to this email letting me know which hospital processed your sample I can explore whether the reasons outlined above account for the difference.
We have discussed your results with our laboratory and they have advised that there were no issues with either their analyser or your sample that would explain the difference in results. So in summary I suspect that the difference we are seeing is the result of the variation in results seen between laboratories and analyser platforms.
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I have responded:
I’m not sure that’s right because if the NHS range is wider you would expect like for like that my result would have been higher with the NHS test. You also say my results are higher from the NHS and this tallies with your expectation, but my results were lower from the NHS. So much so that my GP is concerned by them and prescribing me ferritin tablets. The results from medichecks are higher and classed as “good”. This concerns me because I am relying on your tests in the iron panel to assure me that my serum iron isn’t too high and that I won’t suffer iron poisoning as a result of supplementation.
Does their email make sense to you? Or does my reply seem fair?
I will keep you all updated!