I'm aware T3 has many receptors all over our body including the brain and heart but not sure about bone marrow. Can anybody knowledgeable to tell me if they have any experience with the effect of T3 medication taking on the White Blood Cells or on the bone marrow function as a whole? Thanks for your help
Effect of T3 on Bone marrow?: I'm aware T3 has... - Thyroid UK
Effect of T3 on Bone marrow?
I've read that every cell in the human body has receptors for T3.
I don't know what you mean by :
the effect of T3 medication taking on the White Blood Cells or on the bone marrow function as a whole
Thyroid hormones affect the metabolism of cells. They don't take over the function of cells. So T3 won't do the work of a white blood cell, or do what bone marrow does. However, cells with the right levels of T3 will work better than cells which have limited T3.
Thanks for your response. This is exactly what you mentioned"However, cells with the right levels of T3 will work better than cells which have limited T3."
I have noticed my blood pressure is under much better control since I'm taking T3. My question is mostly around White blood cells. I have noticed the # is on a better range since I'm taking T3. Not sure it is related or not but very satisfied. Appreciate any feedback on the effect of T3 medication on blood cells/bone marrow function.
All parts of the body work better if they have the right levels of T3 - and this will have an effect on other cells, including white blood cells and bone marrow cells.
Thanks for your reply. I appreciate it if you can refer me to any scientific article.
Written by AD Toft :
From the website of the Society of Endocrinology :
From the website of the British Thyroid Foundation, the patient wing of the British Thyroid Association :
From the website of the Endocrine Society (a US organisation)
A list of useful resources on thyroid hormones generally :