severe bone pain last few days - T3 related ? A... - Thyroid UK

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severe bone pain last few days - T3 related ? Also ear pain ?

Chouchou1234 profile image
25 Replies

I’m very concerned my bones inside are killing me. Started few days ago as started increasing to 25mcg T3 . My T3 is low 4.3 but on 20mcg T3 - I did have DEXA scan awaiting result but never had bone pain like this . It’s very very painful

it’s so bad I’m in tears

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Chouchou1234 profile image
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25 Replies
Jaydee1507 profile image

How much did you increase your T3 by please? It might be you need to do it more slowly.

What were your latest key vitamin results - ferritin, folate, b12 and D3?

Chouchou1234 profile image
Chouchou1234 in reply to Jaydee1507

I increased by 5 mcg for 3 days but today haven’t .

I know it’s colder .

My iron is low - 35 but the rest all at top of range.

I was just wondering if it’s T3 related or weather and finally getting bone pain. Just weird never had before

Jaydee1507 profile image
Jaydee1507Administrator in reply to Chouchou1234

Do you split your dose? If you can break it down to 3 or even 4 doses that might help.

Looking back at your previous posts your ferritin has been low for a while. That in itself will be causing you fatigue and multiple symptoms plus your thyroid hormone will not be able to work properly. It can also cause intolerance of T3.

What have you tried to raise it? Iron rich foods can help such as chicken liver pate or eating liver weekly. Supplements are available but need to be taken 4 hours away from thyroid hormone. Drinking orange juice or taking a vit C supplement can help it get absorbed

Chouchou1234 profile image
Chouchou1234 in reply to Jaydee1507

I’m eating liver twice a week and vitamin c now .

Retesting .

Thank you for the replies . I am

Panicking and not sleeping well so everything is a bit much as it’s my birthday 47 I’m 5ft 9 and today walking down the stairs I thought my knees were going to give way but I feel it inside the shoulder ball - but I have lost huge amounts muscle being bed bound for so long so need to work on that . Thank you 🙏 sorry to bother you

Batty1 profile image
Batty1 in reply to Chouchou1234

You should go see a Rheumatologist it’s possible you have some type of arthritis thats decided to rear its ugly head at the same time you increased your medication.

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to Chouchou1234

could you be coming down with a cold/flu? I ache just before I’m unwell. Hope you feel better soon 🦋💚🦋

Chouchou1234 profile image
Chouchou1234 in reply to Regenallotment

thank you x

SlowDragon profile image

We must have OPTIMAL vitamin levels on levothyroxine, but especially on T3

Previous post shows low Vitamin D

How much vitamin D are you currently taking

Are you also taking Vitamin K2 and magnesium

NHS Guidelines on dose vitamin D required

GP will often only prescribe to bring vitamin D levels to 50nmol.

Some areas will prescribe to bring levels to 75nmol or even 80nmol

GP should advise on self supplementing if over 50nmol, but under 75nmol (but they rarely do)

But with Hashimoto’s, improving to around 80nmol or 100nmol by self supplementing may be better

Once you Improve level, very likely you will need on going maintenance dose to keep it there.

Test twice yearly via NHS private testing service when supplementing

Vitamin D mouth spray by Better You is very effective as it avoids poor gut function.

There’s a version made that also contains vitamin K2 Mk7. 

One spray = 1000iu

Another member recommended this one recently

Vitamin D with k2

It’s trial and error what dose we need, with thyroid issues we frequently need higher dose than average

Vitamin D and thyroid disease

Vitamin D may prevent Autoimmune disease

Web links about taking important cofactors - magnesium and Vit K2-MK7

Magnesium best taken in the afternoon or evening, but must be four hours away from levothyroxine or T3

Great article by Dr Malcolm Kendrick on magnesium

Vitamin K2 mk7

Chouchou1234 profile image
Chouchou1234 in reply to SlowDragon

thank you

My last test 87 and retesting . Thank you will get new supplements xx

Thank you

AmourThyroid222 profile image

Do your bones only hurt at night? Might be RLS that can be in your arms also. If yes that can be related to low iron levels. I believe may cause tinnitus also.

Iron vitamins with high vitamin C. I use kratom for my RLS while im getting my iron level back up. Least I can sleep.

Chouchou1234 profile image
Chouchou1234 in reply to AmourThyroid222

it’s weird it’s after medication. But only last week. It’s intense pain. I’m boney at the top half and concerned T3 is speeding some bone loss up and will get gp to retest everything . I appreciate all the replies .

Blearyeyed profile image

Are you having any other symptoms

It may sound odd , but my bone pain suddenly increased about a week ago and I also got stabbing ear ache , not just my usual tinnitus.

I finally got a temperature , it turns out , according to my GP , that I probably have a version of this year's flu . He has had a number of people who get the flu jab and have conditions that cause low iron or vitamin deficiencies, coming in with these symptoms finally ending up with a few days of high temperature but no sore throat or congestion. All I can say is , if it felt that bad with the jab goodness knows what it would have been like without it!

I would have been sceptical , except that my husband , a Type 1 Diabetic , also had the same thing before me , mainly in the neck, chest and shoulders and thought he had pulled something until his ears started hurting causing him a migraine , then the same, a temperature and then things eased off. He also gets the flu jab. Just a thought

Hope you get back to yourself soon , Bee

ICE187 profile image

My bones in my knees, left shoulder joint and spine would hurt bad while I was under dosed on Levothyroxine. While I was under medicated, I started taking other supplements trying to stop the pains. Google mentioned Osteoporosis. I got on Vitamin K2-MK7, D3, and Serrapeptase. My pains have stopped. I can't truly say which one helped, but I continue taking K2-MK7, D3 and Serrapeptase. It also seemed as if gluten and sugar was playing a part in my pains. For me, it was a lot of trial and error of adding and removing foods and supplements.

Chouchou1234 profile image
Chouchou1234 in reply to ICE187

thank you. The funny thing is I’m super strict gluten free and the past 10 days I fancied a piece of toast as my stomach is paralysed and had a cake I never ever normally but had it 3 times maybe that’s triggered from zero gluten free nada for 6 years .

Im awaiting DEXA results .

Thank you

ICE187 profile image
ICE187 in reply to Chouchou1234

Within a few minutes of me eating sweets, pains would begin or intensify. I'm not sure how or why, but I gave up on all sugar. I was thinking it may have been inflammation of some sort due to sugar or gluten. It isn't as wicked with gluten as it is with sugar though. It felt like my knees were going to break. I'm not willing to give up my Serrapeptase to find out if that helped or if giving up sugar did the trick lol.

ICE187 profile image
ICE187 in reply to Chouchou1234

Here ya go.. Sugar. Unfortunately, sugar is on top of the list of foods that may increase muscle and joint inflammation. Numerous studies suggest that processed sugars release pro-inflammatory substances in the body, causing further inflammation in the joints.

Joint pain

Consuming too much processed sugar causes the body to release pro-inflammatory proteins called cytokines, says Bruning. Cytokine levels are already high when you have inflammatory arthritis; that chronic inflammation is what causes pain, swelling, and stiffness in your joints.

Research shows that the consumption of foods high in sugar can cause inflammation. Studies measuring inflammation with a blood test called C-reactive protein (CRP) discovered that foods with a high concentration of sugar increase CRP levels. This occurs because sugary foods cause a spike in a hormone called insulin which starts a cascade of biochemical reactions that lead to the production of inflammation.

Chouchou1234 profile image
Chouchou1234 in reply to ICE187

thank you

I have had dark chocolate and last CRP was 0.06 - I will ask gp to test. Xx thank you

ICE187 profile image
ICE187 in reply to Chouchou1234

You are welcome

TrishG67 profile image

Hi not sure if you have considered this but your loss of muscle and joint pain could be peri menopause related? I had horrific joint pain, I felt like a pensioner until I started HRT . I am 90% improved on this despite previously trying numerous supplements including magnesium, vitamin D plus K2 , curcumin. I had a dexa scan and was diagnosed osteponia, when prescribed calcium tablets the bone pain increased massively again, so had to stop taking them. But I understand how you feel, hope you get a solution soon x

LynneG profile image

Hi, so sorry that you are in so much pain. I know it's a long shot / coincidental but....

You haven't had covid have you or anyone around you. The virus and or vaccine triggered something in me and I could no longer walk up the stairs - having to drag myself up. so painful. nearly 2 years on and hips still hurt a little but the stress on my right knee from my hips being unable to support me for such a long time has really been damaged. I have autoimmune - Rheumatoid but have never had hips attacked before infact my rheumatologist always stated that larger joints not affected usually by RA. My 30+ yr old son has just had covid this last week and just as he was feeling better his hips started to really hurt. He has read up about and seemingly it is known that a viral infection can and does attack the piriformis muscle (linking the base of the spine and both hips, although feels like hip pain) I started with RA years ago following a viral infection which rheumatology stated was often the case. This covid virus has definitely triggered a massive flare in my RA as so many other joints affected. But I have met with fellow dog walkers some who are suffering from joint pains for the first time having had covid quite mildly

Of course it may be nothing to do with the virus in your case. Taking vit D, K2 and vitamin C is really advisable. It is known in functional medicine circles that if have any health condition it is wise to get your serum vit D levels up to 150mmol/L 125 mmol/L min for everyone. I would try and help yourself with supplements - I take Serrapeptase to tackle inflamed joints and use Near Infra Red light (see

Ask your GP to check your homocysteine level (is a NHS test - just need to have blood drawn at the hospital phlebohamy dept, which is easy as don't need to make an appt but go in the morning. So not at GP surgery as blood needs to be in the hospital lab for testing within the hour) If result higher than 7 need to get it down by B vitamins

Also ask for blood clotting test for fibrinogen level. Cheap test so GP shouldn't complain. They say that the fibringen level could be used as a definitive marker for RA. Mine originally v high abnormal. so pinpoints something going on in the joints. Ideal level is the bottom third of normal range. If higher even if in normal range , should try to lower. Supplement Nattovena (Advanced supplements website)

Hope you find some relief soon. Take care x

Chouchou1234 profile image
Chouchou1234 in reply to LynneG

thank you for the detailed reply. Thank you!

It was so much better and then tonight after evening dose it’s rampant pain. Burning hot. In tears

No covid but when I did have it was horrendous.

My gp is useless saying its mechanical. Sending for X-ray . and goi g for blood tests .

It started the same time I increased my dose but now it’s everyday.

Thank you to all for fantastic replies.

I’m eligible for HRT I think as I have zero sex hormones for so long - but more bad side effects I can’t handle! But positive side effects yes please.

Navigating this is very stressful and thank you. Thank you

My anxiety is just as things getting bearable with more energy this pain is beyond but I have noticed lost

Loads muscle.

LynneG profile image
LynneG in reply to Chouchou1234

Pain and especially anxiety, have you thought of taking CBD oil. Yes it's expensive but so many positive benefit reviews for anxiety. Of course its so important to use CBD from a company that knows what it is doing , and not just in it for profit and has certificated lab results per batch made. No insecticides, herbicides or traces of heavy metal contaminates. Many stores have jumped on the bandwagon but many products when lab tested privately are not containing the percentage strength claimed. Even well known High St store has been found to contain no CBD at all. So you have to be aware and careful. It really is of no benefit I believe to take CBD oil which is less than 8% CBD which would be labelled at 8% or 800mg

So I am pointing to Prolife CBD (the same as Charlottes Webb CBD ) but they can keep costs to sell a little cheaper)

Here is a link to Prolife company interview if you are interested. I am interested in information out there as I take CBD oil myself and so want to learn.

Chouchou1234 profile image
Chouchou1234 in reply to LynneG

hi x thank you

I do have CBD oil my sister brought from USA it’s good. I did try twice a couple of years ago but felt a bit groggy but I will try again. I’m willing to try anything and may help sleep too

My concern if it slows peristalsis down even more. My stomach is not working .

Thank you

I will try again that’s a great reminder

Thank you .

LynneG profile image

Hi, CBD is a balancer. Trys to get the body back into Homostatis (balance). We actually have a canabinoid system with receptors all over our body (only discovered in the 1990's) These receptors on cells are waiting to receive the canabinoid our body makes, but like everything else we might not be producing enough/ production declines. look at taking CBD just topping your supply up. Look at your CBD % - or mg. is it 8% 10% 20% ? If it is lower say 4% you can double up drops so it can give you 8% . As in instead of taking 5 drops once or twice a day of 8% you would take 10 drops a time of 4% to get the same amount of CBD into your body. Just the bottle won't last as long.

Drop the drops under your tongue and hold there as long as you can as it will be absorbed through your gum tissue straight into your blood stream. I drop on to a spoon and pour under tongue or palm of my hand and scoop up with lips to under tongue. If it's not making any difference, some people need to take more/higher percentage 20/30/40% a time. Best take low at 8% and increase.

I wouldn't think that CBD would make perastalis worse

Perastalsis is governed by your vagus nerve which runs from your brain down your neck. You can stimulate your Vagus nerve by coughing hard, singing really loudly. Best way is to gargle several times a day ( if you are able ). look up Dr Datis Kharrazian or watch if link downloads?

Also be aware of mitochondria. Simple life form bacteria - 1000's in each and every cell. They make our energy referred to as ATP. Now known that mitochondria can switch into defence mode (cell danger response) as in they have to preserve resources while the body is under attack. However can get stuck in defence mode and not work efficiently producing full energy needs and not reproducing . We need as many mitochondria as possible, we need them to reproduce , be healthy and thriving . We need to make them feel that their enviroment is safe , a land of plenty, plentiful nutrients delivered to the cells. So nutrients are essential food/supplements. Our thoughts also need to be positive - everything is fine/I am well. Difficult I know but try - its not good enough to think , getting better because that is essentially saying not well at the moment which is not helpful. I listened to a presentation about this.

I posted on here Healthunlocked about mitochondria and Niki Gratrix information The title was Mitochondria and our energy and health - if you want to read. It has been discovered that near infra red light at a specific frequency shining on our body for a few minutes, feeds mitochndria and encourages mitochonria reproduction in our cells. I have a near infra red light and use daily for 5 - 10 minutes. Google he explains on his site how health conditions benefit from using and also sells them

Chouchou1234 profile image
Chouchou1234 in reply to LynneG

amazing reply x

Thank you for the information x

I will be reading up on this - this is 8% and I will try tonight .

Red light I’ve been researching this as would love to get one. It’s so expensive to get the basics.

Thank you 🙏

I will be busy researching xx thanknyou

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