Interesting chat with GP yesterday, I got told the nhs don’t test for T3 nor do they do prescription for it. Is this correct as having new bloods done soon.
T3 on NHS: Interesting chat with GP yesterday, I... - Thyroid UK
T3 on NHS
I’ve been prescribed t3 nhs
I think what the Gp was saying was that Gp surgeries generally can't test t3. Mine won't if your tsh and ft4 are in range. The Gp told me that this was because t3 was a specialist area that they knew little about and they could not prescribe t3 so left it well alone.
T3 is available on the NHS, though difficult to get ~ easier if you live in Scotland ~ but it can only be prescribed by an NHS endo. Once the NHS endo has trialled you on t3 then they instruct the Gp surgery to take over the prescription.
Ahhhh right I see, wellbits something to keep in the back ground should I need the info so many thanks
Some GP surgeries can and do test T3, ours do it routinely and always have done.
I suspect the primary failure to test (whether Free T3 or Total T3) is whether the laboratory will perform a test, if requested.
I know a lab where the medical director had a blanket policy not to test T3 - in most circumstances. (They might if expressly justified by a consultant.)
Some form of cascade or reflex, where T3 is not tested until first TSH is very low, second, FT4 is very high, is common. Regardless the doctor's request.
My experience is that this is down to the lab and not the GP. If I have my bloods taken locally, it's not tested by the lab in the hospital processing them. If I have them done in a walk in clinic close to my office, they are done but go to a different hospital.
It's not strictly true that the NHS doesn't prescribe T3 - I've been on it for over6 years - but it's increasingly difficult. It needs to be initiated by an endocrinologist and, the last time I asked, they had to put forward a very strong case for new patients to go on it.
Good luck.
my doctors wont do a T3 test either. just says they are not needed. but i have read that they used to until the pharmaceutical company's started charging over£80 per person a month for it . so the NHS suddenly said no not needed! is this true?