I recently had a phone appointment with an endo at the local hospital where I’ve been on a T4/T3 trial for over a year now. I explained to the endo that I wasn’t feeling well. Hair and eyebrows falling out, exhausted all the time and falling asleep in the afternoon/evening and sore joints and muscles if I do any activity. She sent me for bloods which I did according to advice here. (9am appointment/fasted/levo 24 hours and t3 12 hours prior to blood draw). This was 3 weeks ago. I hadn’t heard anything from the clinic so I phoned this afternoon to see if my results were back. They are as follows:
TSH 0.02
FT4 12.4 (12-22)
FT3 4.2 (3.1-6.8)
That means my FT4 is only 4% through range and FT3 is just under 30% through range as far as I can make out. The endo has written to my gp to say that my meds should remain unchanged and that I will be reviewed in four months. I’m furious! Why do they even bother speaking to people? Sorry for the rant but I wondered if anyone could advise please? Am I being unreasonable in expecting a raise in dose? I’ve written an email to the lead endo at the hospital but want to check first that I’m right to be annoyed. Thanks.