Meralgia parasthetica: I have had a most odd... - Thyroid UK

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Meralgia parasthetica

31 Replies

I have had a most odd feeling at the front of my right thigh for the last week Burning and sore but nothing to see. Dr Google says could be Meralgia -guess what side effect of hypothyroidism.

Am I the only one with this?


31 Replies
SlowDragon profile image

When were FULL thyroid and vitamins last tested

Can see you have a GP who keeps reducing levothyroxine dose

How much levothyroxine are you currently taking?

For full Thyroid evaluation you need TSH, FT4 and FT3 plus both TPO and TG thyroid antibodies tested. Also EXTREMELY important to test vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12

Low vitamin levels are extremely common, especially if you have autoimmune thyroid disease (Hashimoto's) diagnosed by raised Thyroid antibodies

Ask GP to test vitamin levels

Recommended on here that all thyroid blood tests should ideally be done as early as possible in morning and before eating or drinking anything other than water .

Last dose of Levothyroxine 24 hours prior to blood test. (taking delayed dose immediately after blood draw).

This gives highest TSH, lowest FT4 and most consistent results. (Patient to patient tip, best not mentioned to GP or phlebotomist)

Is this how you do your tests?

Private tests are available as NHS currently rarely tests Ft3 or thyroid antibodies or all relevant vitamins

List of private testing options

Medichecks Thyroid plus vitamins including folate (private blood draw required)

Thriva Thyroid plus antibodies and vitamins By DIY fingerpick test

Blue Horizon Thyroid Premium Gold includes antibodies, cortisol and vitamins by DIY fingerprick test

If you can get GP to test vitamins and antibodies then cheapest option for just TSH, FT4 and FT3

£29 (via NHS private service ) and 10% off if go on thyroid uk for code

Medichecks - JUST vitamin testing including folate - DIY finger prick test

Thriva Thyroid plus antibodies and vitamins By DIY fingerpick test

Blue Horizon Thyroid Premium Gold includes antibodies, cortisol and vitamins by DIY fingerprick test

If you can get GP to test vitamins and antibodies then cheapest option for just TSH, FT4 and FT3

£29 (via NHS private service ) and 10% off if go on thyroid uk for code

Medichecks - JUST vitamin testing including folate - DIY finger prick test

Medichecks often have special offers, if order on Thursdays

Have not have levels tested for nearly a year. Have taken 125 of Levo for several years now and I keep well away from Drs as don’t want it dropped. Am very well apart from this sudden feeling in my leg.

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to

Wasn’t suggesting you see GP ...suggest you get FULL thyroid and vitamin testing privately...see EXACTLY What’s going on

GP would probably only test TSH

When were vitamin levels last tested

What vitamin supplements are you currently taking

Remember to stop taking any supplements that contain biotin a week before all blood tests

B12, B complex, Magnesium, Co Q10, D3 and Vit C!

hen-house profile image

Hi finally another person! i have this too, it came on suddenly while on holiday in sicily in 2015 - we had just tasted some raw local honey and i thought i had a reaction - came back and went to see GP and he diagnosed it, but said it would go away in a few months but its still with me! I have hypo too, but most days its mad i feel like i have both, GP reckons thats not possible but i have all the symptoms of both apart from the weight loss! much love - ur not alone! xx

in reply to hen-house

Goodness, you are going through a lot. Has going gluten free helped with your hashis. I have lost weight with the LCHF forum and my AF is under control at the moment. Chin up! x

hen-house profile image

i have hashis and only on 25 levo,GP wont increase actually told me to do every other day, i feel so crap, i have B12 injections, super low folate, low iron, low zinc, low magnesium, high T3, but luckily i have my first Endo app in a few weeks so lets see what they say!!!

I think im a hybrid! :-)

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to hen-house

Get another doctor

guidelines on dose levothyroxine by weight

Even if we don’t start on full replacement dose, most people need to increase levothyroxine dose slowly upwards in 25mcg steps (retesting 6-8 weeks after each increase) until on full replacement dose

NICE guidelines on full replacement dose


Consider starting levothyroxine at a dosage of 1.6 micrograms per kilogram of body weight per day (rounded to the nearest 25 micrograms) for adults under 65 with primary hypothyroidism and no history of cardiovascular disease.

Traditionally we have tended to start patients on a low dose of levothyroxine and titrate it up over a period of months. RCT evidence suggests that for the majority of patients this is not necessary and may waste resources.

For patients aged >60y or with ischaemic heart disease, start levothyroxine at 25–50μg daily and titrate up every 3 to 6 weeks as tolerated.

For ALL other patients start at full replacement dose. For most this will equate to 1.6 μg/kg/day (approximately 100μg for a 60kg woman and 125μg for a 75kg man).

If you are starting treatment for subclinical hypothyroidism, this article advises starting at a dose close to the full treatment dose on the basis that it is difficult to assess symptom response unless a therapeutic dose has been trialled.

A small Dutch double-blind cross-over study (ArchIntMed 2010;170:1996) demonstrated that night time rather than morning dosing improved TSH suppression and free T4 measurements, but made no difference to subjective wellbeing. It is reasonable to take levothyroxine at night rather than in the morning, especially for individuals who do not eat late at night.

BMJ also clear on dose required

spongecat profile image

I was plagued by that burning for months and months and months and self-diagnosed myself the same. Thought it was from doing squats etc. at the gym and had irritated the ilio-tibial band in the thigh.

Tried turmeric and black pepper capsules, had nothing to lose by giving it a go and lo and behold three weeks later the burning had gone completely. I still take the turmeric after a year and the pain has never returned. Coincidence? Who knows.

I have Hashis.

in reply to spongecat

Unfortunately I take Pradaxa so turmeric is on the no list.

in reply to spongecat

Spongecat can you tell me what turmeric you take and how much pepper you add in to the turmeric? I'm going to give this a try!

spongecat profile image
spongecat in reply to

Apologies for the delay.

Yes, I use Vitabright's turmeric. They usually seem to have some kind of offers or discount going like buy 1 get second half price or whatever.

Here is the link:

The black pepper is already in the ingredients and is needed for bioavailability purposes. The capsules are quite large (22mm x 7mm) but you can always open them up and sprinkle on food, I suppose.

I was really surprised how effective they were but if you are on any type of blood thinner, don't take them without consulting GP or pharmacist.

in reply to spongecat

Thank you so much!! Not on blood thinners so gonna give this a try!!

spongecat profile image
spongecat in reply to

You are welcome! I hope it works for you. :)

Thank you both for replying. At 76, I’m afraid I didn’t strain mine in the gym although I do walk lot! My thyroid is well treated at the moment, my AF under control and I’ve just lost 1.5 stone so I really don’t know where it came from. Just glad I’m not alone.

helenbones profile image

As an osteopath I see this quite frequently- and not just in hypothyroid patients. I find acupuncture usually works very well . I use it alongside manual therapy.

If you can find an osteopath who does acupuncture near you it might be worth an appointment.

It’s still worth checking that the thyroid aspect of your body is working too as that can impact recovery.

in reply to helenbones

Thank you. Thyroid well treated. We have a local GP who is in to acupuncture will certainly give it a go.

HashisKate profile image

Hi I had this happen after the birth of my daughter. The outer thigh of my right leg was completely numb for at least a year afterward and I did get occasional burning.

Mine was never diagnosed properly as the GP said she had no idea why it was numb and that was that 🙄 I did my own research though and that’s what it must have been.

Feeling did eventually come back for me after maybe 18 months and it hasn’t happened again since (nearly 7 years ago). I should add that I have hashimotos but wasn’t symptomatic back then and wasn’t hypo yet when it happened 😊

GHughes2 profile image

Hi Hylda

Looking through the replies above I feel you may have some wear and tear going on in your lower spine. I have the same on my left thigh with numbness. When the muscles are tight in my lower back my symptoms are worse. Nerve irritation may be to blame. Try and find some good lower back release exercises and it may improve. Mine was burning last night owing to the way I was sitting. Yes we get strange symptoms with under active thyroid but sometimes Dr Google will lead you in the wrong direction.

in reply to GHughes2

Thank you, will look into that.

Karenk13 profile image
Karenk13 in reply to GHughes2

Agree with @GHughes2 just before I herniated a disc in my L5/s1 I had this numbness too for a few months. Doctors said it was actually a sign the bulging disc compressing the nerve before it herniated a few months later.

Not actually numb. Just burning pain when I touch it and occasionally shooting pain. At the front of the leg not down the side.

BlueMoon65 profile image

Hello, I don’t know whether I have this...or something else! For the past few years, especially when I am extra tired, I get a strange burning and ultra sensitive area over my left shoulder blade. It was much worse prior to being diagnosed with hypothyroidism...And, I speculate, my levels may be low when it surfaces...

Hi Hylda I have Hashis and developed Meralgia about 6 months ago I am currently under medicated and having lots of trouble with multiple symptoms but yes I'm in the US and my doctor said meralgia is definitely linked to hypothyroidism.

in reply to

There certainly seem to be a lot of us about and there I was thinking I was the only one.

in reply to

You are not alone!! :) and if you Google you can easily find that meralgia is very much connected to hypothyroidism!

GHughes2 profile image

Yes there are. Hypothyroidism can be known to cause tight stiff muscles. But exercise is the best conservative treatment for MP. Don't go down the route of nerve block medication like Gabapentin as you may live to regret this decision.

buddy99 profile image

I have the same issue. Acupuncture has helped, but also increasing my Levo dose. For me it is especially prominent in winter together with other hypo symptoms. I then slightly increase the dose till I feel better. In summer I lower the dose again. Vitamin D also may help. But this is just what I figured out for myself. I'm not sure it works for everybody. Since GPs are not always helpful I have taken to experimenting on myself quite a bit. :)

in reply to buddy99

I’m with you on that!🙄

Helen7420 profile image

Yes, I have this too. Saw consultant privately. Vitamin B12 was deficient. Advised to take supplements (Methycalbin spray - sorry for incorrect spelling). Levels have increased but I still have it. It hasn’t made any difference. Private consultant waste of time and expensive just to be told I am ‘not just deficient, indisputably deficient’ and still have meralagia paresthetica.

Annonimoose profile image

Although Meralgia Paresthetica is more common in people with hypothyroidism, it’s unlikely the cause. I had this condition for years, after spending the week walking at an amusement park. I was hoping it would go away by itself. Sometimes it would go away, only to return after walking. After many months, I became convinced it was a permanent injury.

I needn’t have suffered. This condition is usually treatable with simple stretching exercises. Had I only known then what I know now!

What usually cures this, and keeps it from happening again, are exercises which stretch your back. Specifically, arching it. Yes, I know, the pain is in your leg! Try googling the three words: meralgia paresthetica stretching. The exercises are quite simple, yet very effective.

Just do the simple exercises for five or ten minutes each day.

You’re very welcome.

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