The great and good from the UK, Europe and USA have come together in a consensus meeting to thrash out possible future assessments and guidelines for the use of T4/3 combination therapy. As we expected it carefully omits any of our work in its conclusions. The whole paper is with Louise Roberts for downloading from her archive. Its clear they are trying to get away with appealing to genetics to solve the problem, whilst holding on to the TSH is test first paradigm. A biased effort but one which could have unhappy consequences if it goes through as it is.
Evidence Based Use of LT4/LT3 Combinations in Treating Hypothyroidism: A Consensus Document
Based on a Joint American Thyroid Association (ATA)/British Thyroid Association (BTA)/ European Thyroid Association (ETA) Symposium held in London, UK and Chicago, USA on Sunday, November 3, 2019