Hi all, I’ve been on Carbimazole 5mg since Saturday, and in the last 2 days I’ve been having an awful headache and pain in my upper stomach. I know the headache is probably just a side affect but is it meant to cause pain in the upper stomach does anyone know?
Carbimazole side affects?: Hi all, I’ve been on... - Thyroid UK
Carbimazole side affects?

I never had anything like that and I started on 29mcg then moved onto 40mcg after four weeks.
I’m not sure what all the side effects of carbimazole are but you ought to have been given a patient information leaflet when you got your tablets.
If not go online and google for one and see what all it says. If your surgery is like mine it might be quicker and easier to speak to your pharmacist about it although your GP is probably doing phone consultations so you might be able to speak to someone.
Hi, I’ve actually just been reading now, seems like the headache is common. It’s just this pain in my tummy...it does say it can cause stomach upset so maybe that explains the pain. But may try and speak with my gp tomorrow. Thank you.
Did you take it with food? I always tend to take pills with food - unless I’ve been told specifically not to - like my alendronic acid - I take that with a glass of water on an empty stomach then I go out for a very early half hour walk - got to stay upright for half an hour after I take it - and come back and cook breakfast.
Anyway, generally I find if I take pills with food my gut feels better.

Replies to previous post strongly recommended by greygoose you insist GP test thyroid antibodies to confirm Graves or Hashimoto’s
Hi yes, my gp contacted my endo for advice and he send a letter back, which I have a copy off. He has told me to start these meds, and then in 3 weeks time I need to have another blood test to test the antibodies. And then 4 weeks after this blood test he will need my bloods done again before we have a telephone consultation. My gp said I had to wait 3 weeks for another blood test because of causing confusion on the system as I’ve only just had a set of bloods done.
So, you saw the endo, then? And, did he test your antibodies? And were your TRAB or TSI over-range?
If you have Hashimotos then you are on the wrong treatment ... did you have the correct testing done for anti-bodies ? Have read your previous posts and can see this has been strongly advised .
Hi. My gp contacted my endo for advice, he has written a letter back, of which I have a copy. He told me to start this medication, with a repeat of bloods to be done in 4 weeks to test my antibodies, then 4 weeks after these I need another set done before my telephone consultation. Apparently I have to wait 4 weeks between a bloods tests so as not to cause any confusion on the results.
I have the same complaint from this medicine it left me awful stomach problems after being on it for 6 months, haven’t been diagnosed but pretty sure it’s gave me a stomach ulcer. Came off the meds in December but had to restart them this week due to my levels going up again and after only taking two meds of a small dose compared to last time I’m having to stop taking them as I can’t handle the intense upper gastric pain from ingesting them.
Haven’t had a chance to see my dr so not sure what the next step is though.
It’s all a matter of weighing up the good and bad though because the medication did bring me back from a pretty critical thyroid level so can’t complain in that respect.
If you have graves disease problems with the gut is one of the symptoms. It might be that . I had graves disease for 6 years and had to have a throidectomy.