Hi is anyone on carbimazole + if so have you had any side effects from the tablets I have been on them for 3 weeks now + I hate them I have my first appointment at the hospital on the 9th + really hoping they take me off them I am also on propranolol which is making me so breathless
Side affects: Hi is anyone on carbimazole + if so... - Thyroid UK
Side affects

Hi there avaanais being hyper is so difficult and sometimes when we start the tablets carbimazole it can make us feel very unwell indeed, carbi takes around 6-8 weeks for a slight improvement, breathlessness is also a hyper symptom alongside shaking panic attacks, heart palps, its a very long journey and currently your body is under a lot of pressure, make sure you are resting a lot and also be kind to yourself, its a year on for me on my thyroid journey and still trying to get back to my normal self but I do have other thyroid related probs.
I took beta blockers only for a short while as they did make my breathing worse, propranol is not to be taken if you are asthmatic, maybe ring your gp to see what he suggests, sometimes beta blockers can mask thyroid symptoms, once I got carbi I did not want to take betas I just stuck it out until my symptoms eased but it took quite a while as nothing happens quickly with the thyroid,
Please continue with your carbi please do not think about not taking them as you can put your body in danger of a thyroid storm.
It will be hard but there is light at the end if the tunnel, make sure you have regular bloods done every four weeks and also another side effect to look out for is a very bad sore throat , if this happens you must get a full blood count asap as taking carbi can affect the liver and lower your white blood cells, not scaremongering but yiy need to know this.
Did your gp also test your antibodies too for hashimotots and graves tsi, tpo,?
Also ferritin
Vit d
If not it will be a good idea to get these done as vitamin deficiency comes hand in hand with thyroid disease.
I know its a lot to take it especially when you are feeling so poorly, I felt the sane too and was very angry and upset but now a year on and on titration doses of carbi I'm learning how to handle things and recognise the symptoms off being over medicated or under, you will get there. 😊😊😊
Sorry almost forgot you asked about side effects, itchy skin in the first 2 weeks, slight nausea, muscle weakness, stomach upsets, slight dizziness and abit spaced out for around 4 weeks.
I have got my skin rived 2 pieces it drives me up the wall do u no what happens on your first hospital appointment what tablets u on
You will be on carbimazole like me and many others here, they will check your weight, blood pressure, look at your thyroid bloods and they may increase or decrease your dosage, they will ask about your symptoms and how you are feeling, please do not expect lots to happen, I'm not perhaps the best person to ask about endo appointment s as I am currently on my 3rd consultant, endos tend not to have a very good reputation as most of them are not specialised in thyroid knowledge but you may get to see a excellent one, I wish you good luck with your appt.😊 do you mean your skin is very itchy and red now? If it is too severe contact your gp he may suggest taking a antihistamine tablet or changing your meds to PTU this is another thyroid meds.
It’s certain parts of my body I must scratch in the night + make myself bleed I am taking antihistamines but they don’t help
OK contact your gp today if possible and he may have to change you to the other drug, how long have you been on the anti histamine? What strength of carbimazole are you on?
I am on 20mg carbimazole I have been taking antihistamines 2 weeks
If it is severe then contact your gp today, my redness and itching resolved itself after a month but I did not need anything for it, I too started on 20mgs as this is the most common dose until you see the specialist. If it was me I would make a appt. If there is anything else you are concerned over please contact me. Good luck.
Hi Avaanis, I have been on Carb since 29th June and I didn't have been symptoms of being hyper apart from being really warm. It has helped me feel calmer, side effects feel more hungry and little bit of acne. I would speak to the doctor and perhaps ask for stronger antihistamines and ask him how long it may take to settle/ if not whether you can try an alternative. Do you think it could be using them both together? Good luck x