They put me on gabapentin delusipaine some anti dep. The meds worse than condition side effects horrific
Is this site just about thyroids I have 6 bad... - Thyroid UK
Is this site just about thyroids I have 6 bad disks

Basically, yes, it's about thyroid, but we do discuss a lot of other, related subjects. Do you think you have a problem with your thyroid? In what way are your discs bad?
They bulging and some degenerated I get stuck on floor for hours the meds don't work just mess with my head iv tried suiside and that's not me i told gp she uped dose now i dont sleep for 2 or 3 nights. Constantly fighting suididal thoughts but my mum lost one son she said she couldn't lose another. Are these the only drugs they will give me had 2 mri scans. Meds are putting lot of weight on me
I'm so sorry to hear that. It must be terrible for you. Has your doctor not suggested surgery? I had surgery for a slipped disc a few years ago. And, I know disc pain is bad.
I'm afraid I don't know much about pain-killers. But, there is a forum on HU that deals with just that:
Maybe someone there can help you. As humanbean said, there are many knowledgeable forums on this site, so I'm sure you'll find one that can help you. Please don't think about suicide, there must be another solution. And, I hope you find it rapidly. Good luck. x
Thank you. Even reply helps depretion to meny disks to operate on 😔they have offered to do one to get control of blader back. Thank you so much for reply I don't sleep for nights n get so lonely samaritons great. I'll try where you suggested
HealthUnlocked has dozens of different forums/communities, each one devoted to a particular health related issue or disease or condition.
This particular forum or community is about the thyroid. For a full list of all the communities on the site see this link :
You can search for a specific condition at the top of that page or you can use this link :
I'm sure that the list of communities used to be a lot longer, so there may be another link I'm missing, or perhaps my memory is misleading me.
Poor you, I'm sorry it's so very bad for you. Perhaps if you go for the disc operation they will be able to stabilise you, it may free up your spine and the drugs regime could be improved. It all sounds so horrible for you. Magnesium helps me sleep I take two Solgar ones at night. I think as the others have said you may get better advice on the other forums on here. I wish you some peace and luck.
Hi Mattyhall2, I feel so sorry for you cos I know what disc pain is like. Nowhere near as bad as yours though. I had just 2 discs go and had 2 MRI scans too, so whilst there wasn't enough stable matter to fuse them, I was able to have a laminectomy to relieve the pressure, and to some extent, the pain.
I sometimes feel suicidal too, though that isn't down to pain from my spine, but due to external circumstances beyond my control. Please think of your poor mum and talk to support groups like the Samaritans if you feel tempted to end your life. Un relenting pain is so terrible, so I get how attractive an idea, suicide can be.
If the operation to regain your bladder control offers a decent success rate, I would be tempted to try it but is there really nothing else that can be done to help the pain from your spine ? Some sort of epidural injection like they give pregnant women to deaden the pain from the waist down?
I tried acupuncture whilst I was waiting for my op. It did relieve the pain a bit.
If you are in the UK, some health trusts are now looking into offering more "alternative" treatments and finally beginning to think outside the box.
I so hope that you are able to get some help. I'm not a huggy person but I am sending you a heartfelt one with this reply.
They aren't the only drugs they will give you no but in my experience from both my Dad and husband having similar spinal problems the serious pain killers make you very spaced out for days. Sometimes they are essential though.
Have they determined the exact cause of your spinal degeneration and bulging discs?
I know now is not a great time for testing but maybe you can push for answers later?
Both my Dad and husband have had spinal surgery in the aim of relieving pain. It isn't all about taking out discs and fusing the spine these days. My Dad has 3 fusions but my husband had a titanium joint put in his neck when they removed a disc two years ago so it is moving on.
Living with extreme pain is hard and it sounds very debilitating for you. My husband also takes antidepressants too along with having counselling. Please don't suffer in silence. Like the thyroid issues you do need to go on at the Dr a lot to make sure you get treated correctly. I wish you all the best.
My mum had bad discs in the 60's and the only thing that helped her gain mobility and get her out of a very depressed state was a series of B12 injections. Fortunately, she was in a top London hospital with very smart doctors!
Since hypothyroidism and pernicious anaemia (or just b12 deficiency) often go hand in hand you really should get this checked. Blood tests can be done via post, but the PA forum may be able to help. In order to mend any nerve damage, b12 is vital... magnesium, zinc, b6, other b vitamins and folate are also important.
Above is a useful link to a b12 deficiency website....
@Matty. I too have disk and sciatic issues. However after finding swimming 15 years ago I am much improved. Prior to Covid lock down's of our pools, I was swimming for 30 minutes every 2nd day. This fixes the majority of the problem. I mean you're never going to be 18 again and my back still aches in the middle of the night most weeks, but I'm not on drugs and I go to work 5 days a week. Once I got the pain down, I then started weight training at home with few bar bells and weight bench in the garage. This makes a massive difference to how I feel mentally and my posture etc.
Best of luck and get well
ps - I'm getting desperate for a swim, I even tried swimming in a local river recently - wading through knee deep mud in the shallows was pretty yucky though
The swimming could be preventing spasm which is really good. I used to get a lot of lower back pain until I started using topical Magnesium on the afflicted areas - either after a strenuous walk, gardening or after a bath before bed. I've tried the lavender infused Magnesium oil which also helps sleep, but the gel is very good and much easier to apply.
Do you get the twitchy legs when you first go to bed. I feel it's thyroid dose related and often after I've been for a run that day. Might try regular magnesium to see if it helps.
Twitchy legs was something I had a lot during pregnancy. It is also a symptom of poor conversion, but as Magnesium really helps conversion that symptom is often alleviated (restless legs syndrome).
Clinical study below shows how restless legs related insomnia is reduced when taking regular Magnesium.