Our new paper is freely available for downloading in the Journal of Clinical and Translative Endocrinology. It is a study parallel to our others looking at underdosing but this time looking at overdosing and its consequences.
In this have looked at the other end of the thyroid system, namely true hyperthyroidism (subclinical or overt) versus overtreatment on thyroid horomne therapy. It is crucially important to realise that whereas a suppressed TSH may indicate hyperthyroidism, this is not necessarily true for patients on T4. This is a key argument against the current discredited belief that suppressed TSH on therapy is. like hyperthyroidism, always dangerous. What has happened is that doctors have assumed wrongly that the two situations give the same diagnosic result from TSH, FT4, FT3 relationships. You can see the different relationships in the figures.
Heterogenous Biochemical Expression of Hormone Activity in Subclinical/
Overt Hyperthyroidism and Exogenous Thyrotoxicosis
Rudolf Hoermann, John E.M. Midgley, Rolf Larisch, Johannes W. Dietrich
PII: S2214-6237(19)30152-8
DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.jcte.2020...
Reference: JCTE 100219