How log is a piece of string?? Hi everyone i am not sure if any of you have actually ever been in my situation before as i am a strange one......
Finally got to see the endo this week. He did not seem to know anything about my issues which was frustrating as i thought my GP referal would have told him. I told him i am hypothyroid with no treatment currently as it appears i can not tolerate levothyroxine. It then turned into question and answer time and i got the distinct impression he was trying to dismiss the idea and he even said to me "what would you say if i said you did not have to take it any more". I said i did not understand how i could have been diagnosed as hypothyroid already in 2013 and now he was questioning it. He said "well you are only subclinical at the moment". I told him to check previous bloods showing i was hypothyroid previously and he said he did not have any. I told him lucky i did at home and i would email him them later in the day.(my TSH was 23 in 2013 when diagnosed and looking back on my copies it looks like i was subclinical for a while before i crashed). He said he would take bloods before anything else and call me back in and that a handful of people can not tolerate it and they have to take liquid levothyroxine. I did tell him i had joined Thyroid UK and understood Endo's don't treat until TSH is 10 but as my diagnosis was already confirmed i did not see the problem.
So my questions are...
Is there a chance that whilst i am subclinical i could snap back to normal levels even though my TSH did go to 23 previously?
Is liquid levothyroxine the best alternative i can ask for?
I stopped taking levothyroxine a year ago now after six years of taking it and have remained subclinical ever since. Could i make a recovery or am i just a ticking time bomb? Would i not have crashed already? Is there any other illness anyone knows of that can pull at your thyroid? I live in fear of crashing because i remember how ill i felt but if there was a chance i could recover i would give it a try. Has anyone ever had anything similar?
Thank You Everyone xx