Overheating , sweating red face
Does anyone else that is hypothyroid suffer wit... - Thyroid UK
Does anyone else that is hypothyroid suffer with overheating , sweating red face on the slightest exertion even on cold days ?? Or standing

I am either too hot or too cold is as if my thermostat no longer works. I have Graves' disease and if I do too much I have heart palpitations so I cannot exercise too much or I will feel ill.
I have hypothyroidism and I have always been more sensitive to heat than most people I know, no matter what my weight or fat percentage is. I sweat more easily during exertion and during cold weather, my hands and feet would feel very cold but the rest of me would feel warm or be at normal temperature. Humidity also tends to affect me far more than the average person. I don’t think it’s uncommon for people with hypothyroidism to feel this way, it’s not a set rule that these symptoms are only experienced by people with hyperthyroidism.
I spend a huge amount of time especially during the night have hot sweats and hot flushes. I feel as if my body is burning. In the evenings though I often feel really cold for an hour or two before the sweating starts.
This seems to be getting worse and whereas it was 3/4 nights a week it’s now every night and much more extreme. Last night was one of the worst, winter night, window open , no bedclothes, no night clothes, I could feel the cold on my skin yet still was burning hot and sweating. I dozed like this all night occasionally pulling bedclothes over me only to throw them off next minute. I am so tired .
Hi, I take Star flower oil every day which you can buy in Boots, and it helps with the hot sweats, sadly it doesn’t totally eradicate them but it does make them less frequent
Yes. Am always boiling & still using a 4.5 tog duvet even though it’s December. I find sage and red clover help but they do need to build up in your system for a few weeks.
This is me, too. I get near heat stroke and dehydration easily in summer, and walk around in shorts and t-shirts most of winter. On the odd times I get too cold in the middle of a winter night, it hits me hard and within seconds i am I shaking so hard my teeth are chattering and i cannot get up and help myself. It then takes a lot to warm me through the sudden chill. But then again, I live in Australia and it is VERY hot here compared to the UK.
Yes, Exercising is the worse for me I can not tolerate being too hot makes me want to pass out and my giant red face....I hardly sweat which is weird and I sleep with a fan on year round.
It's driving me bananas!