Does anyone else suffer from bad circulation? M... - Thyroid UK

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Does anyone else suffer from bad circulation? My ankles and hands are permanently swollen - the Dr not sure if its circulation problems or

mandys profile image
10 Replies

Hypo side affects, been hypo for 13 years on 100mcg levothyroxine - I am due blood test to include thyroid and celiac on Tuesday afternoon.

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10 Replies
Jackie profile image

Hi It could be lots of things, cause needs to be found.If it goes down over night , not considered to matter too much.Other wise, do not just be palmed off with diuretics you need to find a cause. Start with thyroid tests, TSH, T4 and Free T3. If been going on a while , just possible it is the heart, are you ever breathless? Palpatations?What are your U`s and E`s like, kidney function, likely it could be that. Drink plenty and make sure your sodium ( salt) is low in range. One of those should show what it is.Sorry in a rush

best wishes,


mandys profile image
mandys in reply to Jackie

Thanks Jackie, it has been going on a while - gets quite uncomfortable at times - but would just love to wear skirts again without feeling self conscious and be able to wear my rings, and yes quite concerning as I've been doing exercising in the last year and not made any difference. I've been to see another GP in the surgery as my dr doesn't listen doesn't examine and sends me on my way, I've got other hypo symptoms but just wanted to see if any other people suffered. No not breathless really - hopefully all good with my ticker! Fingers crossed with bloods tomorrow

shaws profile image

Swelling can be due to too litle thyroid hormone. When you get your blood test results, post them together with the ranges. This is an excerpt and read the whole article in the link.

Dr. Lowe: In the early part of the 20th century, doctors believed that all hypothyroid patients had the tissue puffiness, and they used the puffiness as a diagnostic sign of hypothyroidism. The term doctors used back then is the same one we now today: "myxedema."

mandys profile image
mandys in reply to shaws

Thanks Shaws, that was an interesting read, I do need to get to the bottom of this plus many other hypo symptoms that i am suffering at the moment, the fatigue seriously is a big issue. so hoping that she will up my meds as ive seen a new gp in the surgery as my gp fobs me off - she is willing to do tests and follow this's hoping!

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to mandys

I hope so too. When you get your blood test results post again complete with the ranges and someone will comment. You also need a Vit B12, Vit D, iron, ferritin and folate.

mandys profile image
mandys in reply to shaws

I've asked for vitamin checks before and they don't seem to want to do them at my surgery - I'm going to ask today and see what tests I'm down for, so thanks will post my results next week

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to mandys

Many of us are low in the Vitamins B12 and D and both can cause problems. If your GP wont test maybe get a private one. You can then supplement

mandys profile image
mandys in reply to shaws

Thanks shaws, today I have been tested for caeliac, bone, b12 folate, ESR, FBC, free t3, free t4, liver, thyroid, kidneys - will post when I get copy, they say maybe Friday, I will follow it up with GP appointment and discuss with her where we go from here! Thanks ??

shaws profile image

This is a link and you will see how we need a sufficient amount of thyroid hormone in order to not get other diseases, i.e. heart etc. Extract

Myxedema, the turgid accumulation of glycoaminoglycans, fat and extracellular water in the legs and arms, is pathognomonic of thyroid disease. This sign is only present in hypo- or hyperthyroidism. If you see it, there's a thyroid issue, plain and simple.

liz1952 profile image

I was the same- painful too isn't it? Poor you. I was prescribed T3 by my Endo and woo hoo - back to normal. Hope that helps


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