High blood pressure question- I have not been great for 4 months or so, feeling 'wobbly', sleeping pattern erratic (nowhere near enough sleep), dull headaches and just generally less robust and ready for life. Made an appointment with GP to discuss trying HRT, she thinks my symptoms are menopausal. I am 53, no hot flushes but periods are on their way out so yes, quite likely I think. She writes the prescription then takes my blood pressure to find it is very high 192/81. Scrap that HRT, I have to go back a couple days later and it is even higher. Advised to record it at home over the next three weeks then back to GP. At this point we discuss medication, I say I'd rather find out why I have gone from healthy to high BP so she refers me to go on a waiting list to get a 24 hr monitor fitted to get a better idea as my readings are a bit all over the place. I request a thyroid test to rule this out as a cause, I'm on 125 levo (Hashimotos diagnosed a few years ago), increased from 100 in April. The receptionist phones me yesterday to say the TSH indicates I should increase levo by 25 per day with immediate effect. This doesn't feel right for me so I ask for the actual result, to which she says 'less than 0.05'. I then question the increase, 'oh, yes, the doctor has noted here that you need an increase'. I ask her to go back to the doctor and double check, the practice manager then phones me back later in the day and says it is a mistake, I need to DECREASE my dose by 25mmg. I am so glad I didn't just take the first instruction, I'd really rather not have a stroke for Xmas!
I so far conclude that, no, menopause can't be blamed for absolutely everything and doctors are human and make mistakes, always get your actual results and be well enough informed to challenge them if need be.
Meanwhile, does anyone else have experience of dosage changes and high blood pressure? Could it now start to settle down?